Seasons of Love Part 7

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Part Seven:

I returned home a little tired but somewhere within I was feeling light. I had released out the suppressed emotions in me. Sharing always made me feel good. After crying I felt as if a storm within me just fell silent. I skipped dinner and went to bed. Though I couldn't sleep but remained in bed, lying down in the dark. My phone beeped twice. It was a whatsapp message. I didn't pick my phone to check it. I didn't feel like. It beeped again. This time too I decided to ignore but then after a few seconds I unlocked my phone to check it. There were five messages from VK...



"I am sorry for making you cry today. I am ashamed."

"I don't like girls crying. I hope you are okay now."

"Take care"

I read the messages and saw he was offline.

I kept my phone under my pillow and closed my eyes. I was thinking what to reply him. I thought, I must reply him with something. He messaged on his own for the first time, so I must atleast reply something. After much hesitation I picked up my phone and typed a message. But then erased it. The message was a bit foolish. So I thought again I typed another. This time I sent it.

"It's okay VK, you never made me cry. It was my past. Infact you made me feel a little lighter today. I was carrying a burden."

He came online as soon as the message got delivered. He was typing and a message came instantly.

VK: I knew you had a lot of pain inside you. Your eyes expressed it. You have had a broken fairytale and it shows.

I replied, "How did you know it VK? Do you read minds?"

VK: I don't. But I can feel what a person is going through.

I typed: I am not anti-love actually.. its just I am tired of getting hurt every time.

VK: I know. You are scared of people who say they love you. Don't seek love.

Just set your heart free. Let it beat. Let it come out of that cage you have locked it in. Love is not in your control. When it is the right person, you will fall in love. You cannot control your heart from falling in love once again.

I read the message and tears came into my eyes. I typed...

"I don't know. Maybe I can trust no one after this."

VK: You don't have to trust anyone. Just believe in yourself. Spread your wings and fly. I am there to pick you up every time you fall.

I wrote: No one ever understood me like you do. May be you are an angel sent by my maker.

VK: I am just a friend. A friend who is a little matured than other friends. Who has seen life. Gone through worst times and been stronger each time. I can't see anyone at pain. The first time I looked into your eyes, I realised, you were battling with yourself within. Don't hurt yourself. Don't. You are a very sweet and young life. :)

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I smiled after reading. Truly, he helped me to fight the negativity in me.

Our conversation continued late. He wrote, I wrote. I fumbled, he gave me support. Finally, we wished each other good night and slept.

Next morning I was feeling very different. As if I got a new reason to live my life. The urge to shine bright was still there in me, but not to prove myself to anyone. I wanted to feel happy about life. To fly high!

Months passed, I started chatting with VK almost everyday. He asked me once if my ex still disturbs me. I told him that he messaged sometimes. VK asked for his number. I gave him. From the next day his messages stopped coming in. I suspected VK. Maybe he did something. The next day I went to his house for tuition. I asked him, "My ex isn't messaging me anymore. Did you do something?"

He smiled at me and answered, "I told you, spread your wings and fly. I will help you whenever you fall. So to be on the safer side, I cleared one of the reasons which could make you fall. Don't look behind. Look ahead. Life is waiting for you."

I was astonished. He solved my problem. Messages from my ex bothered me extremely. Every time I tried to move on, I was pulled back by my past. I wanted to shed off everything from my mind. I really wanted to fly in that endless sky, not touching any of the stars but only the moon.

A few more days passed, my perspective towards life changed. VK supported me in whatever I did. Whenever I needed help, I knew VK was the person who would have all solutions. VK lived alone with his care taker, who was very old. She had been working for his family for about twenty years. VK was getting engaged and she wasn't enough to manage it all. VK called me up. For the first time he wanted help from me. He just wanted me to be there and help in arranging things. He had a very small family so no one really could help in the arrangements. VK's parents were old so we couldn't expect them to do things. The only person who VK relied on was his cousin brother. He was coming down from Dubai. I was there two days before to help.

I entered VK's house and found myself in a pool of water. Someone had spilled the bucket kept for mopping. I called out for Mashi, she came with a cloth in her hand.

"How did all this happen?", I asked.

"Babu's brother has come from abroad. He came in with his bag and didn't see the bucket. He by mistake turned over the bucket.", she explained.

I thought, VK called him to help and here he is adding up more work. Such a callous guy. I was annoyed. Mashi brought another dry cloth and started soaking the water with it. I moved carefully and walked into the study. VK was out, he called me and asked me to wait. I picked up a book from the shelf and started turning over the pages.

To be continued...

Jaismita Alexander

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now