Speed-O-Sonic (2)

706 22 5

3rd Person POV, Saitama's apartment

The duo were having another day with something different.

Not eggs, hotdogs.

Saitama: Mm, delicious.

Kaidou: Yeah!

Saitama turns on the news on their TV.

News: Breaking news, a gang of bald men are raiding City Z and can cause destruction if frustrated. *Shows bald men on screen* If you see anyone bald, stay away or call the-

*switches off TV*

Saitama broke the remote just by switching it off.

Saitama: ...are you kidding me?

Kaidou: I could just teleport over there and beat them all up! What they're doing is ba-

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Kaidou: I could just teleport over there and beat them all up! What they're doing is ba-

Kaidou suddenly disappears.

Saitama: Eh?

He looks to his side to see Kaidou's watch there.

Saitama: Are you serious.

Kaidou reappears in his position beside Saitama.

Saitama: Are you okay?

Kaidou: ...

Saitama: Oh, right.

Saitama grabs the watch beside him and put it on Kaidou's wrist.

Kaidou: Thanks, Saitama-chii. *Closed-eye smile*

Saitama: Yeah but I need to deal with those baldies.

Kaidou: Do your best!

Saitama: And you're coming with me.

Kaidou: I wanna finish my hotdog...

Kaidou: But I'm sleepy.

Saitama: You always are, lets go.

Kaidou lets out a sigh of slight annoyance but goes back to his regular, cheerful self.


Somewhere else..

???: looks like they're at it again. Speed-O-Sonic, deal with them.

???2: Understood.

???2 or known as Speed-O-Sonic then rushed out of his boss' sight in the blink of an eye.

Outside of the area, he spots a group of supermen from the dollar store.

Outside of the area, he spots a group of supermen from the dollar store

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