The Festival: Dueling Club

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Once when Dumbledore shouts 'Begin' all hell nearly broke loose. 

Every team was blasting spells at other teams without a second thought or look. Each house team began casting spells at their rival houses instead going after different teams. Gryffindor and Slytherin began duking it all out with offensive and defensive spells that only protected themselves. Hufflepuff cast a few offensive spells toward Ravenclaw, but, thanks to Mirabel's readiness, the young Asian-Columbian-demon girl was able to cast a wide enough defense spell that protected her and her teammates. 

This gave her teammates the protection that they needed for the spell that they were going to use. 

All of Mirabel's teammates shouted while aiming their wands at the ground, "Reformar el suelo a nuestras mentes!"

In an instant, the stadium grounds start to violently shake. The violent shake soon caused every enemy team to stop casting spells at each other. 

The ground beneath everyone started to either rise up or be lowered. Soon enough, the stadium was now some sort of battleground. One that had stone/dirt platforms and bridges that kept everyone from falling or allowing them to move around more. 

Just as everyone on the ground/platforms, begins to examine and try to contain their confusion, Ravenclaw students began to make their move. During the other teams' confusion, Ravenclaw students hit at least three Gryffindor students, six Slytherins, and four Hufflepuff students. After a few enemy teammates were down, the rest of the enemy teammates began using defensive spells as must as possible. 

Mirabel signals the team to split up and take out the other teams. 

First, it was Hufflepuff. Three Ravenclaw teammates went after them with the stupefy, just until their protection spells were down. After a full minute of continuous barrages of stupefying hitting their shields, Hufflepuff's defensive spells were eventually broken. On cue, the Ravenclaw team switched from using Stupefy to Potrificus totalus causing the remaining Hufflepuff students to be petrified and fall on their backs. 

Dumbledore announces, "Hufflepuff's team is out. 400 points to Ravenclaw."

Next up it was Gryffindor and Slytherin. 

Mirabel and the rest of the team hoped to guide the remaining Slytherin and Gryffindor teammates to a single location that will cause them to not only be clustered together for a single hit. But also, hoping that they will start fighting each other. Their plan was going well, for the most part. It took a while to get the two rival houses to be in one spot, mainly because they put up a huge fight, and refused to move. 

After a few more spells, they were able to move slightly. 

Just as planned, a few Gryffindors and Slytherins started to fight each other the moment they see the other team. A small handful took each other out, while others in that small handful were taken out by Ravenclaw due to them being distracted. After three minutes of getting the rival houses in one spot, they were easy pickings.  

Then that plan soon fails when one of the Gryffindors raised their wand to the sky and slams it down to the ground and shouts Stupefy causing the Ravenclaw teammates to fall on their backs. 

A few students stumbled getting up, the students who got up were; Padma, Cho, and Archibald, and standing in front of them with her hand clenched tightly around her wand was Mirabel. Mirabel was with the group tasked with driving the Gryffindors to one spot. 

Instead of being afraid of the enemy teams in front of her, her face and her eyes just screamed with determination and showed that she wasn't going to stand down. 

Both Gryffindors and Slytherins began firing spells that would put Mirabel and her team down. Instead of those spells hitting Mirabel or whoever was left of Ravenclaw's team, Mirabel uses both spells, the protection and deflection spells against the two remaining teams in front of her. For the most part, the deflection did a good job at deflecting most of their spells, but, due to the exhaustion of casting stupefy multiple times, Mirabel is nearly tired out. 

Mirabel eventually drops her protection/deflection spell and takes a breath. 

Her eyes glowed once again, and the voice comes in and says to her, "Use... Expecto Patronum..." Mirabel takes a deep breath and lets her arm with her wand go down, causing the tip of the wand to face the ground-ish. Her wand starts to glow a white-sky-blue-midnight-blue color. She reals her arm back and makes a motion to her arm into a throwing pose and shouts, "Expecto Patronum!" 

Once she throws her wand into the air, suddenly, the glow from her wand was unleashed in a form of a misty blast that soon covered the entire stadium grounds in a mist of some kind. 

Soon enough the mist disappeared, once when the mist was gone, what was revealed hidden/created from the mist was something that put everyone in shock. 

It was a dragon. 

A dragon that put dread to certain members of the faculty. The dragon had a unique pattern of scales that shimmered through the glow/sparkle that resembled the glow from her wand. Its body was somewhat long and large. Its legs were large and wide, the claws were just as sharp as its two rows of teeth. The dragon had four eyes, two on both sides of the head, and two sharp horns on the four-head that had a swirling pattern that goes from the bottom to the top. Its wing span can be measured as to five for six yards in length and width. 

The remaining Gryffindor and Slytherin members began to walk back slowly in pure terror as they stare at the dragon before them. 

However, some students were about to open fire on the dragon but were stopped when the dragon unleashes a massive roar. One blew the remaining teammates to the wall, since the wind that came from the dragon was at high speed and with great strength, it caused the remaining teammates to hit their heads onto the walls with great force and caused them to pass out. Once when the dragon's roar was done, it turns its body around practically facing the faculty. It looks up to the sky and lets out a stream of fire that caused everyone to take a step back. 

After a full minute, the dragon disappears like dust or sand in the wind. 

Everyone begins to gain their barring's in order. 

Then, everyone's eyes soon land back on the stadium grounds where everyone looks down to see the caster of the spell, Mirabel. Who had passed out at some point during the life-like summoning of the dragon. Not only that but she was also being tended to by her remaining teammates. All three began using healing charms on the poor sleeping girl in hopes that she will wake. 

While this is happening, the Gryffindor trio began talking amongst themselves. 

Ron was the first to speak up, "What in blimey name of Merlin was that?" Asking his friends for possible information on the events that transpired before everyone. "I didn't know that the Patronum could do something, well, like that." He then uses his hands and gestures to the stadium grounds. 

Hermione shakes her head, eyeing Mirabel as Nurse Pomfrey along with the remaining Ravenclaw students carefully takes her unconscious body away from the field. "I'm telling you something is going on. First, it's that three-headed dog guarding whatever, now Yureimoto doing this." Hermione then turns to Harry who is standing between her and Ron, "What do you think Harry?" 

Harry doesn't answer, right now he is looking at the group of teachers on the field examining the field. More precisely, he is looking at Snape who follows alongside Ms. Pomfrey, and 'shoos' off Quirrell who was about to come along with them. Harry can feel it from his scar and in his gut that Snape is a part of this somehow. Harry then answers, "I don't know really, but what I am certain is that Snape, is tied to all of this somehow. And Mirabel is going to need our help." 


Merry Christmas everyone and has a happy New Year. 

I originally planned on posting this on Christmas but here we are along with the Christmas chapter coming up too. 

I hope everyone has a happy New Year as well. 

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