



And thus, Gempa's inner momzilla was born (he was worse than the real Mama Zilla in monster form). It was so bad that Gempa even considered permanently banning Blaze from using his powers.

Fortunately, most of his brothers thought that that was going too far and insisted that they just watch him more carefully after he recovers.

They also tried asking Blaze how he had let things get this far so that they can avoid it from happening again.

He tried telling them the truth- since... what the heck? It's not like he had anything to lose or gain by keeping the future from them. At least they would know what they should expect! Right? RIGHT?

"...and that's why you have to be completely honest with us. What did you do, Api?" Solar frowned, arms crossed with Thorn behind him trying to look intimidating as well, but the pout was definitely not helping his case.

Blaze hummed still trying to juggle the idea of telling his brothers, before sighing and pushing himself up into a sitting position.

He looked at them with the most serious expression he could muster and said, "I came from the future."


"No, seriously." Solar deadpanned while Thorn exclaimed in excitement, "Wait, really?! How far from the future?! Do we get our own flying car?!"

"First off, yes. I am serious. I am the e-epi- epiphany—"


"Shut up, nerd. But yeah, I am the epitome of serious right now. And second- Thorn. We already have our own spaceship and flying motorbikes."

"Oh yeah..."

"Api, I'm serious." Solar sighed, "Just tell us what you did and we promise you won't get into too much trouble."

"So am I!" Api suddenly finds himself rubbing his leg, trying to get the feeling of thorns digging into them disappear, "I did come from the future! There's this evil power sphere who transformed you guys into the bad guys and I had to fight you off—which is why I overdid it with my powers— and turned back time with Ying's power watch, and-"

"API! I'm not really in the mood for jokes!"

"I'm not joking!"

"Cahaya... maybe he is being serious." Thorn spoke up next to him, looking hesitant and worried, "And Tanah also said we shouldn't stress him out too much. His fever might come back."

"I'm fine! Stop treating me like some fragile doll or something!"

"Okay- stop! Fine! Let's say you're really serious," However, Solar kept giving him a doubtful look, "But this doesn't change the fact that everything you said is entirely impossible."

"In what parts?!"

"Let's start with the most obvious one- you coming back in time with Ying's power watch. Even you know the basics of her powers! She can only control time in a limited area and basically just speed things up or slow things down on that same area." Solar pointed out, "To be able to control the entire time spectrum itself is way too much of an overkill power."

"You mean like how I managed to summon a meteor to take out Borara?"

"You know what I mean, Api." Solar scowled, patience obviously running thin, "And summoning meteors is way more possible than you turning back time."

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