People had begun to fill the center, visitors everywhere asking about the animatronics and their whereabouts.
Bonnie was able to find Montgomery, who was sulking on top of Monty Golf, on the cameras.
He also saw Freddy walking through the corridors towards Rockstar Row where they were, but there was something wrong, Freddy seemed hurt, he walked with a hand on his stomach and he was limping slightly. Several guards approached him asking him what was wrong, but apparently he just rejected them without giving an explanation with an "I'm fine".

- It's Freddy! What happened? - Asked the rabbit concerned about his friend, approaching the cameras to better see his condition.

- I think this would interest you more... - Lefty answered looking at another camera.

Bonnie turned to see her, surprised by what she saw, his ears pricked up.
It was Roxanne, she was in pretty bad shape, hiding in the basement storage next to the trash compactor.

- We have to help her! - Bonnie exclaimed ready to run away, but he was grabbed by his arm.

He looked down, finding Lefty holding him to prevent his escape. She nodded at the camera, wanting to see what the wolf was doing.
They stayed a bit longer, watching the screen, only to find the canine approaching the compactor to climb down it and disappear from the camera's view.

- Can you get down there? - Bonnie asked confused.

- Apparently... - Lefty replied walking towards the door.

The rabbit understood that the bear wanted to see where Roxanne was going and why she was going there.
They quickly went down the stairs, and without caring about being seen they ran through the corridors, thus finding Freddy trying to get rid of a crowd of questions.
Bonnie walked over to him, taking his wrist from his hand and urging him to follow them.
Lefty didn't bother to stop or wait, she just kept going, so they didn't have time to talk.

Once they reached the old elevator in Salads and Sides, they were able to rest inside it.

- Freddy, what happened to you? - Bonnie asked as soon as he had a chance.

- Roxanne... She... It's not her... - The bear spoke trying to choose the words to speak. - I mean... she doesn't act like it's her...

- She did all that to you? - Bonnie was surprised while Lefty just remained silent listening to the conversation.

- No.. Those wired robots.. It was them, allor their fault... - Freddy lowered his ears with sadness and anger as he remembered what they did to his friend.

- ...Molten Freddy... - Lefty interrupted, gaining the looks of the boys. - That's what they call themselves...

- Why... Do they have my name...? - Asked the male bear with confusion.

- You could say that they were once... What you are right now... - She explained.

Lefty leaned against the wall, keeping her balance.
It was hardly mentioned, but Lefty was not in good shape.
After the fire burns many of her circuits went up in flames, her casing burned badly and created holes in her body.
She wants to free herself from her body that binds her, but it is impossible for her.
She tried so many times, but not even Scrapbaby's powerful scissors were strong enough to cut through the bear's exoskeleton.

- Their names are Freddy, Foxy and Ballora... - She continued explaining without making eye contact with those present.

- There are three... - Bonnie spoke surprised.

FNAF 6/SB: The Escape [ENG. VER]Where stories live. Discover now