He was silent and cleared his throat.

"Did you eat yet?"

He changed the subject... Oh God, what am I doing? Of course he would be nervous, I'm bombarding him with all of these questions. Cheating itself isn't a topic that's easy to talk about, I'll just leave it at this.

"No." I said smiling at him, "No, but I did pick up some things from Starbucks this morning."

"Oh. Make sure you eat well."

"Hey, don't be like that, I of course got you something too."

There was a knock on the door and I went to go get it.

"Wait!" said Marcus.

He glanced at his watch and ran to the door. I smirked and opened it before him. There stood a girl who had make-up smoldered on her face. She wore a skirt so short you could see her underwear and a shirt so tight... How the fuck did she get that on? It's way too cold to be dressed like that.

"Mister, I'm here for my tutoring!" she said skipping past me.

She smiled at him and sat down. I looked over at Marcus who had a nervous look on his face.

"Oh?" I said with a nod, "Tutor her well."

With that, I took off. I don't know what to believe right now. Is it coincidence? I mean, Miguel just told me about this today. Wouldn't finding out be too soon? I turned around and headed back to his classroom. I peeked in through the blinds and saw him tutoring her. There were stacks of books on the desk next to them and papers on their desk.

Why should I be paranoid? It's obvious that they aren't doing anything, so I should leave it at that. Marcus was right, Miguel is only a sad case and is trying his best to part us.

"Ouch!" I said rubbing my head and looking forward, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

Whoa, who's this guy? He had curly dark red hair and dark... Oh shit, green eyes. Wow, it's so dark it looks brown. Oh my, he even have Miguel's scruff.

"Excuse me." he said stepping past me.

I turned around and watched him walk away. Who is he? I never saw him here before. Snapping out of it, I walked toward the cafeteria. I headed over to my table and sat down.

"You're always late." mumbled Bryce.

"I know." I said with a happy sigh, "Do you guys know who some g-"

"With red hair and brown eyes?!" said Guadalupe.

"Oh my goodness, they are green!"

"He is so hot, I heard he is Mr. Romano's little brother."


"Yeah, he came from Italy and is currently learning English."

"Wait, that can't be. How does he have green eyes?"

"They're brown."

"They're green, you watch Tobuscus, you should know green eyes can look brown." I countered.

"But how can he be Italian with green eyes?"

I shut my mouth and poured.

"Maybe he isn't related to Miguel?"


"Mr. Romano, sorry."

"Oh?" said Cole coming into the conversation, "You call him by his first name?"

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now