Idolish 6 Big Show!

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Train Station Idolish 6 show event: Riku/ Ricardo Pov.

Ric lets out a great big sigh as Touma currently known as Shin barely manages to stop Iori from crashing straight into the wall. The kid was suffering a bit of a mental breakdown from all the pressure that was now facing him in the face of this big show that he and his group were going to perform in about 30 minutes.

The others weren't really doing any better, especially the adult group with Yamato spouting old man jokes every 5 minutes or so, Mitsuki laughing out loud trying to convince himself he was completely fine even though it was clear he wasn't, and Sougo was all over the place worryingly triple checking the equipment even though it technically wasn't his job. The only calm ones were Nagi... Ric immediately cuts that thought out when he witnesses the golden prince praying to the magical kokona figurine he apparently had brought for comfort.

Ok, so the only sane one in the group right now was Tamaki who was all pumped up and ready to bust out his dance moves the moment someone gives him the signal.

Shin looks like he is on his wit's end from keeping the whole lot of them from getting themselves caught in accidents that could potentially cost them the show better yet their legs or arms. The two instructors can understand how the group members feel like having been once rookies themselves but still if they don't get their act together soon their doomed.

Ric claps his hand together to gather the attention of everyone in the room. "Ok listen up. I know you guys are nervous. I know exactly how you feel. So far you've been performing in front of people who don't give a fucking shit about you guys. It's easier to sing in front of someone who holds no expectations of you. But this time you're facing people who have come here just to see you guys perform full of hopes and dreams. They are here with the expectation that you guys will live up to it or even better yet go beyond it. It's scary facing all that pressure isn't it?"

All of the group members hesitate not knowing what answer they should give Ric which actually gave him all the answers he needed.

Ric smiles at the group giving them a very bad feeling "Well congratulations on making your first big steps into the industry. Now you guys know the hell you are going to have to live with from now on for the rest of your careers."

Shin slaps himself in the face as the temperature in the room instantly falls down below freezing. Seriously the man really needs to do something about his sadistic streak. At the very least he should tone it down for the kids for heaven's sakes. Well actually he's been playing it pretty nice so far compared to the other instructors so far he has met but still...

"So now you guys have two choices either you kiss your dreams goodbye and bolt straight out of here or get your shit together and get on stage" The smile suddenly disappears from Ric's face as he speaks in a serious tone emphasizing his words rather very heavily

"I want to..." Mitsuki murmurs very silently

"I want to what?" Ric asks very impatiently not caring for the glares that were being pointed at his way for putting an unnecessary amount on the man more than he already has.

Well here's some news Ric honestly doesn't give a fucking damn. After watching and working with these guys for the past couple of weeks he knows that their not the type to bend so easily. However, having some backbone isn't enough if they want to survive in this industry. He knows they all have their reasons for joining this industry and really he couldn't give a damn about them either. Everyone joined in for all kinds of reasons ranging from the very serious ones to the most ridiculous ones. There were some cases people accidentally stepped foot in the industry pure accident.

Ric himself didn't have any intentions of entering the entertainment world at first. He was frankly too scared and tired back then after everything that had happened. All he wanted to do was find some reprieve from his heart demons that kept on haunting him throughout the day and night. The therapy sessions really didn't help much and only made him feel worse every time he went there with his mouth sewn together. He had what people called selective mutism which prevented him from speaking out in certain situations that caused his anxiety to flare right up the roof which happened quite often more than he liked.

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