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Hotel Room Bed: Ricardo Pov.

Ric groans as he finds himself waking up in a white bare room that he recognizes all too well. 'Oh great not this again' he thought to himself. Wasn't it enough that he got lectured by Ray this afternoon about those migraines he got after he had his little talk with Iori? Now he had to dream up an old memory of his being stuck in the hospital. Of all the memories he didn't like the most why did he have to drag this one up? Sure it was better than his time at the auction and the ...dungeon... But it didn't change how unpleasant the entire experience was.

Ok, to be honest, he doesn't really remember much of his time at the hospital from all the anesthetic and painkillers they pumped into him while they dragged him in and out of the surgery room. He was too delirious and out of it to recognize anything or anyone, including the doctors and nurses who came to treat him and the police officers who kept asking him annoying questions that he obviously wasn't capable of answering from his dire mental and physical state. Seriously how does asking a 7-year-old child with multiple lacerations all over his body, broken bones, dislocated shoulder, a third-degree burn mark on the right side of his face following down to his shoulder, and a genito-anal injury who has been traumatized from being physically, mentally, and sexually tortured by a sadistic sociopathic pedophile pervert seem like a good idea?

Apparently, a lot of people do as it seems with how the police, the prosecutor, doctors, lawyers, and social workers had been hounding with him hundreds of questions even when he wasn't physically capable of answering them. Seriously thank god for the meds messing up with his head otherwise he would have gone insane from all the questions being asked of him alone. By the time he came around enough those people had not so graciously been kicked out by Richie and Sarah after they discovered how he was treated by these 'no good bastards who had their face stuffed into their asses' as Richie would describe them. After that Richie pulled some strings from his military days allowing him to relocate to a federal hospital where he was allowed to fully recover from his physical injuries.

Later he learned the reason why these people were so desperate was because they were hoping to get a lead from him to take the organization that had sold him down. The organization was extremely slippery and they left little to no evidence much less witnesses to their illegal operation. They were always one step ahead of them and every time they thought they had something it would disappear the next moment.

So imagine their surprise when they discovered that the boy who was rescued during an FBI raid on that sadistic pedophile pervert politician's house happened to be a ...toy... sold from the organization. Until then no known victim had ever been discovered alive. Everyone was so excited by this news and then you know what happened.

Richie and Sarah were extremely furious when they learned about the turn of attitudes their colleagues and other people took once they discovered the boy's origin. They couldn't believe the lack of decency and compassion these people had for the young boy who had been so traumatized. Yes, they were equally desperate when it came to taking down the organization as they wanted to rescue the hundreds of people held there. However, not at the cost of a young boy who had been through so much.

They had a very long strenuous battle with their superiors and the CIA for his sake which only came to an end when they discovered that the sadistic pedophile had kept a diary hidden beneath multiple files that were locked. It had all the transactions and records of the children he ever bought from the auction. That was also how they learned that all of the children who were bought by these vicious predators were under a lease contract of one month (which normally nobody survived through) and then promptly secretly disposed of thereafter effectively leaving none of the victims alive. The only reason he had survived was because the sadistic politician had bribed the so-called carriers into taking another child's body instead of him. He had taken a particular liking to this new toy of his and was reluctant to part with him. Also ironically his weak and frail health from his asthma played a part in this as it made the sadistic pedophile treasure him more allowing him to survive past his term...

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