Training and Learning

440 16 3

7 o'clock at the Park: Idolish 6 Pov.

Once they arrive at the station everyone gets off the train and leaves through the gates one by one. Yamato who is familiar with the area walks in the front and leads the group to the park. On the way there they start talking about what Ric said last night and what he had in mind for them today.

"I wonder why he asked us to come to the park this early in the morning?" Iori ponders

"I have absolutely no idea" Mitsuki shrugs his shoulders

"Well, it better be something good because Oniisan is not good with mornings" Yamato yawns

"Leaving the old man aside, it is kind of tough to wake up at 6:00 and then getting on a train during rush hour" Mitsuki stretches his arms

"Hey!" Yamato retorts

"I understand but it must be something really important if he asked us to come" Sougo tries to cheer up the atmosphere

"Yes! Sougo is right! Mr. Ricardo must have called us to teach us something very important. Right Tamaki" Nagi turns to Tamaki

"Hmmm" Tamaki crosses his arms and turns his head

The atmosphere instantly becomes awkward. After that little talk, everyone tried their best to cheer Tamaki up but nothing worked and he still hadn't forgiven them yet. Yamato even tried bribing him with the Ousama Pudding he bought for him at the convenience store but Tamaki just took it and shut himself in his room again. They tried again during breakfast but Tamaki ignored them the entire time.

Before they could resolve the awkward atmosphere, they arrived at the park, and Ric who noticed their presence approached them.

"Good Morning Everyone" Ric greets everyone

"Good Morning" Everyone greets him back

"What is with this gloomy atmosphere? Can someone also explain to me why Tamaki is covering his ears?" Ric points at Tamaki

"We had a fight last night and Tamaki refuses to speak with us" Mitsuki answers

"I see..." Ric worryingly looks at them

"Umm Ricardo-san" Sougo speaks up

"Call me Ric, Sougo" Ric raises his hand

"Umm ok, Ric-san. May I ask why you asked us to come here so early in the morning?' Sougo nervously asks

"I'm sorry Sougo but I'll have to explain later I'm more concerned about the fight you guys had just now" Ric crosses his arms

"Now explain to me why you guys were fighting this morning!?" Ric glares at everyone

Everyone starts explaining how they were complaining about him last night. They talked about how they started teasing Tamaki for getting attached to Ric and how it went too far which led to Tamaki snapping at them

"I see so that was what happened" Ric sighs

"First let's start with Mitsuki and Yamato. You took your teasing too far. I know how you feel and even I tease people from time to time but I know the limits. You guys are adults for god's sake. You should know how sensitive teenagers can be. So be more careful next time" Ric has them sit in seiza in front of him while he lectures them

"Yes!" Both of them squeal

"Next, Sougo. I get that a part of you worries about Tamaki due to his regular behavior. I noticed this when I saw you talking to me and the president but you have the tendency to make conclusions about people too fast and fit them into certain categories. You need to become more flexible. People are more complicated than you think it's impossible to categorize them into one section." Ric sighs

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