Chapter 15

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We arrived In Tazuna's house that night, he knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and a middle aged woman with blue hair let loose opened the door;

Tsunami, Mother

Lv- 12

REP- 20

"Father!" she cried out as she hugged the man, "I was so worried!"

"I'm alright Tsunami," Tazuna smiled as he hugged her back, "these ninjas brought me here safely."

She looked over and noticed us. She immediately bowed, "thank you for protecting my father."

"It's our pleasure," Kakashi smiled, "not to seem rude, but may we come in? It's been a long day."

"Off course!" she welcomed us inside and quickly showed us to the dining room, the largest room in the house, "would you like something to eat? We have some rice and fish you like. I'm sorry we don't have anything else to offer, it's hasn't been that good this past year."

"Rice sounds lovely," Kakashi said as we all sat down in the living room, with Kakashi at the head and Tazuna sitting next to him. "Starting tomorrow I'll be training you three," Kakashi said, "I realised that you all are..woefully ill prepared for a fight, so, for the remainder of the mission you three will be training with me."

"What about me?!" Tazuna asked, "I still need protection! Gato could send more men after me!"

"That's where Yami comes in," Kakashi pointed at me, "he'll be more than enough to fight anyone off."

"The kid?!" Tazuna gasped, "b-but you're the jonin! Won't I be safer with you?!"

"Actually, right now, Yami is the best option for you," Kakashi spoke as he read his book, "he's the one who took care of our enemy ninja problem, not me. So you're in good hands, trust me."

"Yami did?" Sasuke snapped, "I thought it was you."

"Nope. All Yami. I didn't even have to lift a finger," Kakashi replied turning a page.

"Amazing," Sakura said as they looked at me.

I chuckled, "stop, you're making me blush. Plus Kakashi sensei is giving me way more credit than I deserve."

"No, I really am not," he replied, "anyway, Yami, you're going with Tazuna, keep him safe and keep an eye out. Like Tazuna said, this Gato man could grow desperate and hire bigger thugs, we won't know until he makes his next move, so until then, be weary."

"Right...hey could I borrow a couple of Naruto's clones?" I asked.

"Hmm? What for?" Kakashi asked.

"The bridge," I explained, "Tazuna, how many workers do you have on hand?"

The man scratched h beard, "depends. I have to get people onboard with the idea first, so far I only have five people willing to work with me. I'm hoping when I go into town tomorrow I can really more."

"Exactly, Naruto's clones can serve as a powerful workforce," I nodded, "hence Tazuna gets some much needed help and his entire bridge building process goes by a lot faster."

"Hm...fine, I don't see a problem with it," Kakashi waved my request.

"Hey! I'm not a pack animal!" Naruto complied.

"You're whatever the mission needs you to be Naruto," I smiled at him as removed my hood and mask, sighing, "God that thing's stuffy."

"Alright, foods ready!" Tsunami said as she walked in and stopped suddenly as she looked at me. She blinked twice as I saw her REP raise from 20 to 45. Hm....maybe I should stop wearing a hood and face mask?

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