Feralboys comforting you during a thunderstorm

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cc!Quackity 🐤

-first of all, he's HORRIBLY bad at comforting.
-but he tries his best
-when he sees you panicking HE starts panicking.
-eventually he'd pull himself together and go up to you and ask if you're okay tho
- "hey uh-, holy shit um- are you alright?"
-^^^his horrible attempt at seeing if you're okay
-after you respond, be it verbally or physically, he'd sit down next to you and hug you
-very hesitantly though
-he's socially awkward when it comes to physical affection and it SHOWS.
-after awhile of hugging and him getting more comfortable with hugging you, he asks if you want anything
-you want soem water? He RUNS to the kitchen and gets back just as fast
-a blanket? Suddenly it teleports on you.
-he always wants to make sure you're comfy
-tries to say some jokes to distract you and make you laugh
-of course they're all really butchered jokes cause he's never really comforted someone irl
-after the storm passes and you're OK, he asks about it of course

cc!Karl Jacobs 🕝

-As soon as he sees you panicked he INSTANTLY KNOWS what's wrong
-freaking out internally
-quickly gets you some noise canceling headphones and a nice fluffy blanket
-(he's had some problems with overstimulation in the past so he already had the headphones)
-offers to cuddle, and when or if yoy accept he's instantly hugging and cuddling you <3
-scratch that SQUEEZING you
-in a comforting way
-as said in the past, he's a great hugger
-whispering reassuring words to you (even if you can't hear them cause of the headphones)
-a big softy, just wants you to feel safe
-once the storm dies down, you better believe he's making you hot chocolate
-overall a great distraction and an even greater friend (or more if you want ;) )

cc!Sapnap 🔥

-Sapnap is also anxious when it comes to these things
-He's REALLY bad at physical affection
-worse than quackity.
-When he realizes you're panicking, he'd offer you his sweater or something, but super awkwardly cause he's Sapnap
-subtly asks if you want to play a video game
-"Hey, I was just about to hop on Minecraft, wanna join?"
-if you accept he'd do something cheesy while you two are playing
-like giving you random flowers and stuff
-if you're still panicked, he would try to think of other ways to distract you
-And of course, Sapnap being Sapnap, resorts to roasting people you two don't like
-or just roasting you two's friends in a playful banter type way
-He's trying his best :(

cc!Georgenotfound 🍄

-Socially awkward guy number 3
-oh boy, George has no idea what to do
-he's not used to helping you at all. Usually it's you helping him!
-he would sit next to you awkwardly trying to pretend he doesn't notice
-he does. He does notice. Very much.
-would offer to play some dumb game like hide-n-seek
-or maybe he'd show you some meme on his phone
-gets you to watch some tiktok with him in a sad attempt to distract you or make you laugh
-if you're lucky enough his awkward ass might offer you a hug
-his stubborn nature usually gets the best of him though
-I hope you're easily comforted cause this guy is the bare minimum

cc!Dream 🌝

-Piss baby. Green Bitch. The one and only.
-He's surprisingly good at comforting
-will ask you what's wrong, and if he doesn't receive a response he'd kneel down and hug you
-also rubbing shapes into your back as an attempt to comfort you
-and it works
-once you're able to form sentences properly, he'd ask you what's wrong a second time
-after finding out, he'd find out a way to distract you
-blaring music and having kareoke with you
-just dance battles too, he loves just dance, especially with you
-watching movies on max volume just to drown out the sounds of thunder and lightning
-On occasions when all of the dream team is awake at the same time, he'd call up sapnap and George to play manhunt with you
-also tries to make your favorite dish since he's a pretty good cook
-being in his presence is just comforting alone :)

This took awhile I kinda forgot how to write for ccs <\3

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