Deadly Kiss- Chris

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"This night was amazing, Chris. Thank you so much for bringing me here." I said to my best friend after a long day of hanging out, just the two of us.

"Of course, I'd do anything for you." Chris responds while shoulder hugging me.

"We should do it more often." I turn to look at him.

"We should." He smiles, accidentally looking me in the eyes.

"Chris?" I ask, his beautiful blue eyes pulling me out of reality.

"Yeah?" He responds, grabbing my chin.

"What would you do if I loved you more than a friend?"

"This." He gently presses his lips against mine.
End of Flashback:
Y/n's Pov:

It's been a few months after Chris and I had our first kiss and became official. At this exact moment, I'm walking to the Sturniolo's house, crying. I had just found out that while I was out of town, Chris kissed another girl, and I'm about to confront him.

I'm now walking up his driveway, wiping my tears to pretend that I'm calm. I don't even know what I was expecting. No one in the fandom likes me.... so why should he?

At the doorstep, I ring the doorbell. No one answers, but there's a car in the driveway. That's how I know that at least one of the triplets are home. I get impatient and open the door. I walk into the living room to see all the triplets there.

"Can't open the door?" I wipe my nose.

"Y/n, why are you crying?" Chris walks up to me, attempting to wrap his arms around me.

"Don't touch me." I scoff, backing away from his open arms.

"What's wrong?" He questions with a raised eyebrow.

I look behind him to see Nick looking back at me. Since he's the one who told me, he knows exactly what i'm talking about. Meanwhile, Matt is eyeing us with a 'what the fuck is going on' look.

"You think It's okay to go around and kiss other girls behind my back?" I feel more tears fill into my eyes.

Chris sighs, rubbing his face.

More tears spill down my face. "I was gone for a week, Chris. A week! And you go and kiss my best friend?"

"Oh shit-" I hear Matt mutter in the back ground.

"Y/n, that was a mistake, it didn't mean to happen." He tries to grab my arms.

I refuse, again. "There's no point in trying. You kissed her, and that's that. I don't even know if I can trust you anymore."

"Please don't do this baby, it was a mistake. She kissed me."

"Don't 'baby' me, Chris." I point to myself. "Me," I point to him, "Us... It's over. You ruined it."

And just like that, I walk out of the house, completely ignoring what else he has to say. Even if it was a mistake, he still did it. It's not my problem that he just so happened to be hanging out with my best friend without me. If I have to suffer, he does too. I don't deserve to be treated like a doll. I'm a person, I have feelings, and I can be hurt too.


I arrive at my house. I run up to my room, and open the door. I slam the door, and jump onto the bed.

I take my pillow, and start to sob into it. I really thought that he loved me like I did.

I grab my headphones, and listen to my comfort playlist. Suddenly, these lyrics show up.

Must have been a deadly kiss.
Cause' only love can hurt like this.


𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang