Suddenly, two slender arms wrapped around my waist from behind before the sound of a silent cry reach my ears. I turn around and wrap my arms around Taehyung who is crying badly.

"How can they treat someone so badly, Jungkook? Just because your mom wanted to make some changes, they gave her such horrible punishment. I hate them, Jungkook. I hate them so much." He lets out still crying.

"They were horrible from the very start, my love. They can't stand the person who tries to reject their order but now the time has come when they pay for the sins they have done. My mother's last wish was to see the Royals on their knees begging for forgiveness and I will make that happen." I promise but he shakes his head.

"Not you, Jungkook. It will be me who will punish them. For the last three years, they have been torturing me for something I don't have any hand in and I believed them thinking that it's my bad luck that killed Jackson. But now after listening to what happened to your mom years ago, I have come to a realization that the people who call them Royals are not worthy enough to rule. I used to question Moon Goddess' decision as to why she chose me to be the Luna Queen and finally I have my answer. She wants me to take revenge for those innocent ones who died unfairly and I will be damn if I don't make those Royals pay." It will be futile to say that I am not completely taken aback by my mate's behavior but I am also feeling too proud to describe into words.

"Taehyung, you really want to avenge my mom's death?" I ask because I want to hear it from him again.

"Yes, Jungkook. I will avenge her death, not only that I will show the world who is the real king of the werewolf." He replies which confused me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I am the Luna Queen so that means my mate is the real Alpha King which will be you." He replies smirking at me and that's when I realized that one of his eyes is golden while the other one is blue. That means Riley is present with us.

"Riley, what are you planning to do?" I ask making his smirk widen.

"Good to know that you have realized that I am also present here. I haven't planned anything but will do it soon, and when I do the Royals will be crying bloody tears." Riley replies in his much deeper voice before giving back the control to Taehyung.

"I am sorry, Riley suddenly took control." Taehyung says gently.

"It's alright, babe. By the way, I have another confession to make." I tell him while biting my lips.

"What is it?" He asks taking my hands in his.

"Damien Wang, the former Alpha King was my mom's mate." I let out looking at his eyes.

For some time he doesn't respond making me wonder what's going on in his mind but then he closes his eyes and starts taking deep breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes, I am completely alright. Just need to calm down or God knows what I will do." He replies anger lacing in his voice which is very unusual for his character.

"Jungkook, can I train with you and others from tomorrow?" He asks surprising me because he is not comfortable with everyone around him while training.

"Yes, you can. But why is this sudden decision, babe?" I ask.

"I need to train harder." He replies shortly which doesn't please me at all.

"Taehyung, please tell me what's going on in your mind. You are not telling me something." I let out.

"Then listen, I want to be stronger so that when I start taking revenge I don't back out in fear that I am harming my family or whom I thought as my family for three long years." He replies making me understand that he is keeping his cool after learning what his first mate's family has done, especially Damien Wang.

"We will take revenge together, you hear me? None of us are alone anymore, also our pack is with us which is going to be our biggest support system." I tell him pulling him towards me because I need to feel his warmth.

"Thank you for sharing your mom's story with me." He says while snuggling closer to me.

"There is no one other than you with whom I would have shared my mom's story." I reply kissing the top of his head.


I am very sorry for not updating regularly. I wasn't feeling well for some days so I took a break from writing.

But don't worry I have already started to work on the next chapter which will be very exciting because first time I am going write a little bit of mature scene for me taekook.

So stay tuned for the next update which will be tomorrow....


Alpha's Scared Angel (TAEKOOK/MPREG)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें