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"I am cursed, I am unwanted, I am a failure. Then why are you still waiting for me to accept you?" Taehyung yells while tears fall out of his eyes making my heart clench painfully.

I don't know what those people of the castle have done to him but I will be damn if I let him keep feeling like he doesn't deserve any happiness. To hell with taking things slow because right now he needs me and I am going to be there for him. So, I go near him and cup his face with my hands.

"You are not any of these. Do you hear me?" I say more like demand while wiping his tears with my thumbs.

"Then what am I?" He asks in a broken tone.

"You are the Luna Queen and it's high time to show the world what your capable of doing." I reply determinedly looking at him with eyes full of love and pride.

Yes, love and pride. I know it may sound funny that I am already in love with this amazing man in front of me but in our world, there is nothing wrong with it. It's how mate bond process, usually it takes only a few days to complete the mating. However, I am sure that my mate is not ready for that so I will control my urges for now.

"Please don't play with my emotions, I can't handle anymore." He lets out looking so fragile that I don't even want to leave him for one second. But that's not the correct way to treat him. He may be my mate but also the luna of this pack. Not only that, I can't forget that he is the luna queen which is a very big responsibility.

I release a sigh and pick him up in my arms while he protests but after some time he settles down. I walk towards the bed and sit down with him in my lap. I take his cold hands in my own before rubbing them to get warm. I hear him take a breath which I want to assume as a good type of breath means he is not scared anymore.

"Tell me about yourself, mate." I say looking at him while smiling gently.

"There is nothing to know about me." He replies looking at our joined hands.

"I am sure there is a lot to talk about you. But if you don't want to talk about yourself then you can ask me anything." I tell him.

"Umm, I don't know what to ask." I can't help but cooe at his cuteness.

"Okay then how about you tell me if you are liking this pack or not." I let out.

"I am really liking it here. It's so different from the royal pack. Everyone here respect each other and try to help out. Not only that, no one disrespect omegas unlike the Royal Pack where omegas get treated very badly." He describes.

"I am happy to know that you are liking here but I am very upset with the royals. However, we will talk about this matter later. By the way, my wolf is getting restless to meet your wolf. Do you think they can go for a run later?" I ask as I can feel Duncan getting excited.

"My wolf also wants meet your wolf. But I am not very sure about it so can we go to run tomorrow?" He asks hesitantly.

"Of course, they can go to run tomorrow. You don't have to be so hesitate to share your thoughts with me." I let her know.

"Alpha Jungkook-" He starts to say something but I put my finger over his lips to make him shut up.

"It's Jungkook, not Alpha Jungkook to you." I tell him making him nod his head.

"Okay, Jungkook I want to thank you for giving my parents a home." He says looking at me with his mesmerizing hazel orbs.

"They are good as well as honest people and that's why I have accepted them in my pack. But I thing I should be the one to thank them because if they didn't come here and asked my help to rescue their son then I wouldn't have gotten to meet you." I reply kissing the back of his hand while his cheeks gets red indicating that he is blushing.

"Do you really want me as your mate?" He asks as if still unsure about the situation.

"It's not about me. it's about you if you are accepting me as your mate or not." I tell him because I need to hear from him.

"If I want to be truthful then I will say that I really don't know what I feel about this bond. But I also believe in Moon Goddess's decision. So, I want to give our mate bond a chance." I am sure my face look so creepy right now because of the way I am smiling so hard but I don't give a fuck.

"You really mean it?" I ask.

"Yes, I mean it what I just said." He replies shyly.


I can't believe I am sitting on alpha Jungkook's lap. Oh no, he has asked me to call him Jungkook. At first I was sure that I would never accept this bond but after talking to him, I can't deny the bond any more. Maybe Moon Goddess has sent him to help me to become the old me. I really miss the old Taehyung who used to be so dare-devil that many male warriors wouldn't dare to fight with me.

"What are you thinking, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks playing with my fingers.

"Can I start training?" I ask back.

"Of course, love. You are the luna of this pack so you don't need to take my permission to do anything." He replies while I try not to blush hearing him call me love.

"Umm, can I now sit on the bed?" I ask thinking that his legs must be numb by now.

"You are light as a feather so nope, you are not going anywhere." he replies stubbornly.

I huff but don't say anything and let him do whatever he wants. I understand what he is feeling because I am also feeling the same. When a werewolf find his or her destined one, it's like the best thing in the world. It's a feeling that can't be described in simple word but can be feel through the sensation of our body and soul.

"How about we go outside and let your parents know that everything is alright between us?" He asks making me nod my head.

Thankfully, this time he doesn't pick me up in his arms and let me walk on my own. However, he holds my hand in his which makes me smile. We walk towards the dining area from many voices can be heard. Unintentionally, I clutch his hand tightly making him stop walking.

"What's wrong?" He asks looking at me.

"What if your pack don't accept me?" I ask the question that's running in my mind from the start.

"I know my pack and also the members who are waiting for their luna and believe me when I say that they will accept you with open arms." He replies stroking my face with the tip of his fingers.

He smiles at me before kissing me on the forehead making me sigh in relief. We again start walking towards the dining area and suddenly all the noises stop when they notice us. Mom and Jimin smile seeing our joined hands while other have confused expressions on their faces. Suddenly, a guy who looks the same age Jungkook starts laughing making me look at him weirdly.

"Stop laughing like a fool, Namjoon." Another older guy remarks whacking the back of Namjoon's head making him whine,

"Papa! Stop treating me like a child." Namjoon retorts now pouting his lips.

"Then start behaving like a man." The older man replies while I try to stifle my laugh. But I think Jimin is not able to control his laugh and starts laughing like a mad man.

"Oh my god! You guys are just so dramatic." Mom says aloud looking amused.

"Okay, guys. It's enough and let introduce him to you all." Jungkook says making everyone stop doing whatever they are doing.

"But we have already met him, alpha." The girl name Madeline remarks looking not too happy.

"I know that but there is something you don't know about him." Jungkook kind of snaps which doesn't go unnoticed by anyone but I think no one wants to make their alpha mad and that's everyone keep their mouth shut.

"I know you all have already met him and know him as the luna queen or the son of Aron and Jasmine. But he also has another title which will be official soon. I would like to introduce you all to my destined mate and the luna of this pack, Kim Taehyung." He declares while everyone cheers happily making me smile seeing the excitement on their faces.

"Welcome to the pack, Luna Taehyung." Everyone says aloud while Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist pulling me towards him.

Alpha's Scared Angel (TAEKOOK/MPREG)Where stories live. Discover now