You'll Be The Death Of Me

Start from the beginning

Aiden stared at the ground. "I'm sorry."


"I was scared, Shah," blurted out Aiden.

Sudden curiosity seeped into Aru's voice. "Scared of what?"

Words came tumbling out of Aiden. "This... this thing... got into my head, and I chickened out after we, uh, you know, because I was just... terrified, I guess. And that terror made me say stuff I didn't mean."

Aru blinked, as if the flame of anger was flickering, about to go off any second...

...But then something changed about the Halls.

They juddered, their soft breathing becoming a panting, slavering sound.

"Hold that thought," said Aru reluctantly, taking a step back from him. She looked... disappointed.

Aiden didn't know if he would get another chance to talk to her, but he knew they had more important things to think about. Still, he couldn't shut out the dark voice deep in his heart:

Was it too late?

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"I am afraid there are no exceptions to the rules. All who pass through my halls must pay."

A sudden roar swallowed up the sound of the Potatoes' reactions.

Wait, no, not a roar.

A yawn.

Aiden knew that even before the voice said. "My realm is waking."

"What do you want from us?" demanded Brynne.

Mini peered at her warningly. "Bee..."

She pressed her palms together and touched the floor in front of them in pranama. The others followed suit immediately.

Brynne straightened up, looking a little red-faced. "Sorry."

Mini put one hand on Loose Teeth's flank. "What can we give you, goddess."

Rudy thrust his backpack at the sky. "I've got lots of rocks!"

Nidra regarded them mildly.

"They're very shiny?" added Rudy hopefully.

Aiden secretly rolled his eyes.

"It is your sleep I want," said the goddess. "I need your dreams to build the borders of my world. You must give them to me if you wish to pass. Even demigods grant what I am owed"

The sinking feeling of unease increased in Aiden's stomach.

"I can't do that," said Brynne.

"I have already selected one among you. I want dreams rich with wonder, tinged with sadness, and flavored with hope that will sweeten my lands like the rarest of nectars."

Horror dawned on him as the pair of eyes focused on Aru. A pale, violet light hovered in front of her invitingly.

"You child," said the goddess. "I can feel your exhaustion...."

Panic swelled in Aiden's chest as drowsiness washed over Aru's expression. His brain screamed for him to do something—anything—to stop from her being taken.

But what could he do?

"Let me take it from you...."

"No," Aiden found himself saying. "Not her."

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