Chapter One

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this is updated on mondays, though updates tend to be sporadic

anyways, the gist is that Bakugou is killed during a war between the heroes and villains and he ends up taking over the body of Sasuke Uchiha; unfortunately for him, he's never actually *watched* Naruto before, so the only knowledge he has of the show is whatever nonsense Kaminari decided to spew at him

quite honestly, i wrote this fic purely because i thought it'd be funny to see an explosion-wielding sasuke (and for angst, obviously)
i could've always just made him deidara, but 1.), that's not as fun, and 2.), I have no idea how to write deidara or how i'd continue his story if he didn't join the akatsuki, so :D


The air is thick with the scent of rusted iron, and somewhere, a child cries.

Katsuki takes in a heavy breath - which he immediately regrets upon tasting airy copper on his tongue - and pushes himself upwards - why he was sitting, he has no idea - before spinning around and—

" Shit ," he hisses out, feeling his stomach churn .

The street is lined with bodies - dead, not unconscious, he knows instinctively - and he doesn't doubt that there are many more in the nearby district since, aside from the child's cries - which had since turned into choked-off sobs - the place is eerily - unnaturally - quiet.

With an exhale, Katsuki forces the thoughts from his mind and begins trudging in the direction of the wails, resolve firming with each body his eyes fall upon.

Upon reaching a house with a half-open door - the largest one he's seen thus far, he can't help but notice - and with sobs ringing within, he moves forwards, deliberately allowing his steps to sound out as to not frighten the child inside. The child's breath hitches and, just a moment later, he rounds the corner and feels his blood chill .

His eyes immediately settle upon a little boy - a child that can't be older than nine at the very most - who's wearing blood-stained clothes and who stares up at him with wide, scarlet eyes. A moment later, the color drains out and, as Katsuki stares at terror-stricken coal, he can't help but wonder if he'd imagined what he'd seen.

Katsuki inhales, moving towards the trembling child. He's always been shitty at consoling civilians - always leaving that sort of thing to Deku or Shitty Hair or whoever else was there with him, because none of them could be worse than Katsuki - but he's the only one there - which is an odd circumstance he's already decided to think about later - so he crouches down next to the kid, loosening his posture and giving his best attempt at a non-threatening smile (that, admittedly, probably looks more like an awkward grimace).

"Are you okay?" he asks first, and immediately wants to shoot himself because of course the brat's not okay, because literally the entire goddamn neighborhood is dead or dying, and he's currently sitting next to the bodies of people who, while it's hard to tell with all of the blood, look a little too similar to him to be dismissed as strangers, and who are most likely his very dead parents.

He shakes his head and takes in a breath. "Sorry, stupid question," he says, and then notices that the kid's now looking over his shoulder, face having turn papery white and—

Something that tastes like copper spurts from his lips as a sharp pain shoots through his back and chest, and as he feels his heart slow, he barely has the time to register that he's dying before he's suddenly standing in the doorway once again.

"What the fuck?" he lets out, stumbling forwards. He touches his chest experimentally before glancing at his fingers and he's be-fucking-wildered because there's absolutely no blood at all. "What the fuck ?" he reiterates after a few seconds of silence, then raises his head to look at the kid who, to his even further confusion, isn't there anymore.

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