Chapter 2-Goodbyes

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A/N: So in this chapter is a lot of switches between POV so sorry if it feels all over the place


It's been two weeks, and Max completely shut down. She seems numb, and she's always faking smiles. I know she's faking, because at least 5 days a week she'll sneak in and sleep over because she's getting nightmares. Everyone's changed in a way since starcourt. Some more significantly than others.

Today, the Byers and El are moving. While packing things up, we decide to start teasing Dustin.

"Turn around, look at what you seeeeee." We start and Dustin stops what he's doing and gives an exasperated sigh.

"In her face, the mirror of your dreeeeaaammmss." We continue.

"Rhymes that keep their secrets, will unfold behind the clouds."

Max stops, "Did we get that part right it's 'unfold behind the clouds'?"

"Yeah. But you're butchering it so could you please stop."

I add, "So join in Dusty-bun"

"No. That's for Suzie's ears and her ears alone."

Max and I look at each other and, after a moment of silence, continue our song.


As they drive away, Lucas holds me close.

I feel like I'm falling into a bad place, and I know Lucas knows it too. I don't want to do this to him. He's gonna slowly watch me get worse.

I got on my bike and started to pedal away, but Lucas biked up behind me.

"Hey, are you coming over again tonight? 'Cause I can set up an air mattress in advance." He whispered so the others don't hear.

"Um, maybe. I don't know."

Damnit. Now I feel like a chore, and I don't want him to feel responsible for me. I'm not a baby. But it's also getting hard to hide everything.


"Well then I'll just set up one in case." I respond. She doesn't say anything so I decide to continue talking, "I also got some more Wonder Woman comics. I thought that maybe you could come over for dinner tonight?"

"I can't. I have to finish summer reading."

"Oh okay." We bike in silence before I turn on my street.

Even while we were fighting inter dimensional monsters, Max has tried her best to contain every emotion and stay tough. I used to be the person she confided in. I used to be one of the few people that saw the full Max, but now she's shutting everyone out again, when I know she needs it the most.


When I got home, Neil was passed out on the couch for the fourth time this week. I opened the fridge to get something to eat, and there was only a bottle of ketchup and some hotdogs, so I went to ask my mom if we could get groceries. Her door is locked. Shit. They got in an argument again.

I walked into my room and turned on my Walkman and started listening. My eyes fluttered shut.

After a few minutes, I'm in starcourt. I run in and see that gross meaty shit and I freeze. One of its long tentacles or whatever the fuck they are start going to Billy's side. Another one joins it on the other side. My heart quickens, but I'm still frozen. Another one finally pierces his chest.

I shoot up in a cold sweat. I frantically feel around me, trying to take deep breaths. I want to go to Lucas so bad, but he's probably asleep. I don't want to bother him, so I try to fall back asleep.


I turn around in my bed and look at the air mattress. Maybe she doesn't need help? Maybe I should just back off?

I turn again. No, I should help her. I've been going back and forth for the past hour, tossing and turning. Eventually I hear rocks at my window, a sound that would normally disturb people but I've started loving it. I got up and opened the window and smiled down at Max. Except it wasn't Max.

"Remember, you were supposed to pick us up half an hour ago?" Dustin yelled up at me. Shit, I forgot that he and Mike were going to spend the night.

"Sorry I forgot."

Mike threw his bag up and I caught it before Dustin threw his too, hitting my head before I caught it. They crawled through the window and toppled into my room.

"Why do you have an air mattress out if you forgot?" Dustin asked. It's nice having a smart friend until he notices every little detail of everything.

"Nothing, just set up your sleeping bag and Mike can take the mattress."

"What, we're not gonna watch a movie or anything?"

"No, I'm tired."

"Then me and Mike will watch a movie, right Mike?"

Mike was already situated in his mattress, and he sat up and refused, "Dustin, I'm tired right now. Let's just go to bed and we'll do stuff in the morning." He looked unmotivated to do anything and I guess I can't blame him. His girlfriend just moved 2000 miles away and it can't be easy.

They pretty much passed out in a matter of moments from exhaustion, but I was still kept awake.

A/N: I still don't know why this is kinda short, and I did say this would be longer but turns out it's not. Like I have so many ideas for different chapters and lost motivation for this one. :p can't wait for volume 2 and I really hope we get to see Max's letters to everyone, but I really hope we don't see them cause she dies. And I also think her dying would be too predictable and it would destroy so many characters because she is friends with like everyone. I think they might kill off Robin, argyle, Eddie, or jason cause everyone else has been there for a while and they mostly try to avoid killing off characters that have been there for a while. I hope you liked my Ted talk.

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