It felt good having my family back, It felt like my life was finally going back to how it's suppose to be. Before I met Danielle I had trust issues, I didn't trust too many females and my anger was way worst than how it is now but I promise it's gonna get better. My attitude is gonna be better before our child is born and that's a promise.

"Why you and Aunt Heather always arguing?" Jada asked me.

"She thinks me and Dani are moving to fast and she says that the baby we having isn't mine." I rolled my eyes.

"Really? Why she thinking that?" Jada replied.

"We don't even know, when we first started dating she liked Danielle but now she acting different." I shrugged.

"Well out of all the girls you've dated Odell, I think Danielle is the prettiest and I like her way better than I did the other ones." Jada and Danielle both smiled at eachother.

"Awee my cousin and my wife getting along!"

"Why didn't you and ya brother come to the family reunion?" I asked.

"I wasn't gonna deal with my mother judging me on my past and Brandon had some business out of town." I nodded. " I'm going to church in a few hours...y'all wanna go?" Jada asked.

"Yeah we can go..where is it." I closed my book.

"It's over on Cherry Lane. My brother Brandon preaches there." She said

"Brandon!?!? My cousin Brandon!?!? The Brandon that used to drink, smoke, and sleep with different woman every night!?!?" I was surprised.

"Yess that's him. He went to Massachusetts a few years ago and got himself together. Now he's married, with 2 kids and he's a preacher working as a Lawyer."

Damn, Brandon used to be the one every woman loved and every man wanted to be, he used to get every female in his path with just a simple wave and smile. Since church didn't start until 11, we headed home first to get ready and dressed. I usually go to church but with the season starting and everything I don't have a lot of time. Once I was dressed I sat on the couch scrolling through twitter as I waited patiently for the girls to finish getting dressed...after 20 to 30 minutes of waiting they both came down the stairs dressed and ready to go

Danielle POV

I haven't been to church in a long time, I used to go all the time but then I just stopped all of a sudden. The ride there wasn't too long, when we got there Jada was just pulling up also. We sat with Jada and Ty in the front row. Throughout the service it felt like Brandon was talking about everything me and Odell were going through!

"Sometimes we must move on from the past! We must forgive the ones who treated us bad in the past so that we can move forward and live in happiness with our future. Once you get out of a bad relationship or situation, eventually god will send you a blessing...May that blessing be a person, an opportunity, anything. You can't cherish that blessing unless you forgive and move on!" Brandon spoke.

He was absolutely right! I was still angry with my Exes, still angry with my father and believe it or not I was still angry with Odell for putting his hands on me. I haven't forgave anybody...except my mother. The rest of the service was really eye opening and inspiring, me and Jada were sitting outside the church watching Hailey play on the playground with some other kids, while Odell was somewhere talking to Brandon.

"So how'd you like the service?" Jada asked me.

"It was good...kinda felt like he was talking to me and Odell for a second."

"Y'know Brandon also does pre-marriage counseling..maybe you and Odell should look into that." He suggested.

"I don't know about counseling Jada.." I shook my head.

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