"You called my name first that to in a ear-splitting voice from afar, now my ears hurt and you are blaming me?" Buffalo ridiculously questioned me, while I casted him an unimpressed look.

"That was the point Prince Duryodhan, if your ears can hurt from hearing a loud voice from afar then think about my great ones!!" I reasoned out with a huff and he threw me a baffled look and shook his head in disbelief. He gave me one last judging look then he whirled around and started walking away from me.

I frowned at that...
That was so rude of him....
I scoffed, I don't care! but he should be ready to handle my rudeness, I spun on my heels and was about walk ahead, when I remembered something very very important.

Oh my freaking hell!!
I was supposed to converse with that buffalo, not fight with him.

I hastily walked towards his direction and called his name yet again.

"Buf--- Prince Duryodhan!!" I called out and he stopped in his tracks, he turned in my direction and scowled. I simply rolled my eyes and walked near him.


"Princess Adhvika I wasn't trying to blast your great ear drums, but I am seriously suspecting that you are definitely trying to blast my head. So please for the love of God leave me alone!! " Buffalo irritably stated and nearly pleaded me to leave him alone.
Why is he behaving as if he is the victim?
I simply shook my head in disapproval,
Nevertheless I smiled and he narrowed his eyes at me, my smile flattened this is so frustrating already.

"Prince Duryodhan I just wanted to talk to you!!" I finally said what I was supposed to say from the start. Buffalo just rolled his eyes and turned around to walk away from there.

Oh no no no.
You ain't escaping me Mr Buffalo.

"Prince Duryodhan I think talking to me would be far more better option than the demons in your head mocking you all day about your failure." I carefully uttered those words and he halted in his place and whirled around with a dangerous glint in his eyes, I ignored his attempts to scare me off and asked him to accompany me to the guest gardens, which surprisingly he compiled and sat with me.

Yeah he sat next to me, unlike my new friend/ partner in crime (who will prefer dying before committing crime) who sat on the other couch thingy leaving a six- feet distance between us.
I am damm sure that Yudhishthir would have suffered a minor stroke by now, if he would have seen this scene. I chuckled softly at that..

"Princess Adhvika if you called me here to see you daydreaming and chuckling to yourself then I would like to let this offer pass!!" Saying this Buffalo stood up, while I narrowed my eyes at him and tugged at his wrist, still that had no absolute effect on him,
Woah!! What on earth are these people made of? Iron or something?

Buffalo sat down after seeing my efforts and I retorted my hands back from his wrist, I literally held his wrist in both of my hands yet I couldn't make him sit, that's just so not great!!

Anyway back to my plan!!

"How are you feeling now?" I casually started the conversation to which I received a bemused stare from Buffalo.

"I feel cheerful, thrilled, elated, oh I am in the 7th heaven right now." Buffalo deadpanned-ly answered with enough sarcasm to drown his fellow animals.
I visibly grimaced at his sarcasm and here I thought they didn't know sarcasm.

These people are so hard to understand they can use sarcasm, however if I by any chance fire back sarcastically then almost everyone is going to take it seriously. That's hypocrisy!!

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