A rivals bidding

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"Until we meet again....?"

There it was, the very sentence in which she had been dreading for many years. Ever since her and her fellow companions departed from each other, May had been competing against Drew, fighting alone.
Finally, they had reached the end of their contests within their region, and Drew painfully forced himself at a distance away from May. A distance in which she could not tail him from behind. For they had grown close, but he knew that her heart belonged here, and that for as long as his love for her would last, in his eyes, she was to always remain pure, and natural.

Tears filled her eyes to the brim. Her arm was raised slightly, and Drew came to a steady halt, waiting to see what she would do next. Her hand trembled and as it inched in closer, to take grip of his jacket, to prevent him from leaving..., it then fell, heavy.

"Until we meet again... Drew" she cries.


They stood on the beach where a ship happened to be docked, awaiting Drew's appearance. "U-Uh Drew!" May stutters. "Please... Be safe...."

"Yeah, I'll do just that"

Irritation could be detected throughout Drew's tone, and May sighed. "I can't leave here Drew. Max is still my responsibility! This is still my home..."

His body turns swiftly to face May, eyes displaying much displeasure. "Max has grown, May!" He shouts. "Your responsibility is your pokemon, and these contests!"

She rolls her eyes while releasing an audible breath of air. "Damn it Drew! Why you are so pig-headed has me baffled!" Drew's head lifted, as if he was about to burst due to rage.

"Like a fly in a web, aye May? The reason why men lack interest in you, is because you are so vulgar and hotheaded, men are afraid to approach you!"

".... Then why are you still with me? Why haven't you boarded that ship and left?"

Drew's eyes came wide and brows perfectly arched, forming a somewhat confused stare. "May...." He whispers.

Fire spread across the sky as the sun slowly sank beyond the horizon, signalling dawn to dusk. Birds flew by and shaped the clouds, having made the perfect setting. He swooped in and ran his fingers up her cheeks, pushing her hair away from her eyes and tucking it behind her ears.

A pink blush painted her cheeks and May appeared flustered. She stared down, and as Drew was moments away from sealing the air within their mouth, locking their lips in a tender kiss, the captain of the vessel blows his horn, and Drew comes still.

"Tsk, bastard" he grumbles. May smiles and lightly touches his cheek. Drew, now seeming rather glum, swiped her hand away and turned his back on her. "See ya" he snarls, tossing nothing more then a rose to show that he stilled slightly cared.

"I see... Well then. Please, don't let me be burden any longer"

"! May?"

But once he turned around, May had vanished from his sight. Like a rose petal riding the breeze. This was the moment he was to regret in the near future. A moment he will always remember as a mistake......

(Seven years later)

"Congratulations on your winnings, Mr Drew"

Her hair hung low, greeting her waist as it spiralled down. Her hair, like her eyes, were an enchanting midnight blue, and her lips a plump red.

"Another victory from an easy battle.. Nothing to congratulate me over, Bella" he snarls in his usual manner. Bella sighs.

"Mr Drew!" she says in a rather demanding tone. "I can have almost any guy in any region! Yet the one man who I desire, does not want me back. How come?"

Drew rolled his eyes in response to her comment and grumbled. "Forgive me if I am not interested in a woman who masks her identity behind multiple layers of crap" he replies. Bella just shrugs the insult away, and continued to press the matter further.

"Do you not like your mysteries, Mr Drew?" She grins, circling around him as they stood in the centre of his suit.

Drew sighs. "I am a mystery myself" he claims. "All identities but my own, must be revealed"

"Then tell me who she is. The girl who still has you bound by her strings"

Without a moments thought, Drew answered Bella's question. Though despite him not wanting to think about it, he was a genuinely honest man. "My rival" he answered. "You don't need to worry though, I will never see her again"

Bella looked on at Drew. Confusion struck her face as her eyebrows sunk, as if disappointed in what she heard. "That's so sad...."


"Oh! Forgive me. I'll excuse myself, and return in the morning to prepare you for your contest"

She handed Drew a document, and smiled turning around. Drew grabbed a letter opener from off the table to his side, and slit it open. "You failed to tell me that I had a new challenger" Drew says.

"As being an Elite for Pokemon contests, you must also make a habit of discovering such news yourself" Bella replies.

Drew grumbles, a slight blush of embarrassment creeping onto his face. "Worse manager ever" he snarls in a low tone. A giggle could be heard as she opened the door and stepped out into the hall. As that occurred, his eyelids were raised and for a brief moment, he seemed surprised.

"I'm not going to give up on you, Mr Drew" Bella smiles. "But times have changed, yet you still dwell on the past. Thinking about a single girl.... That I cannot compete with" he glanced up from the letter.

"I'm not fixated on M...." He bit his tongue to prevent the name from being spoken. She noticed this, and a cold stare was given.

"In the three years that we have been together, you have only touched me twice. Each time lasted hours, and was by far the most enjoyable I have experienced" she smirks seductively. "However; each time I couldn't help but get the impression, that it wasn't me you were thinking about"


"I envy not being able to be with you, because you are obviously still so attached to her, it pains me to be a spectator" she sighs. "What will happen when you see her again, but she has moved on and you have not?"

"Then love really is for the fools"

He spins around, and Bella takes her leave. He moves towards the bed and tosses the letter down onto it, before stripping down half bare and approaching the shower. "That letter....." He thought. "He has returned....."

While in the shower, Drew head-butts the glass and feels the sensation of the cool water trickle down his flawless skin. "Moved on....? Unlikely" he mumbles. "She wont settle down... she's just not that girl. No man alive can tame her, but if there was that one man out there, who could possibly secure that one empty slot in her heart.... I'll crush him before he gets the chance" .........

To be Continued.
Drew's Myserteous Challenger.

Pokemon Drew's lossWhere stories live. Discover now