1 👑 Alluring Beauty

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"Thank you, your highness! Thank you very much!" She almost threw herself on her feet.

"It is my duty to make sure my subjects are fine." She smiled assuringly at the mother. "Guards! Take him to the doctor, now!" The soldiers bowed and immediately followed her order.

(Imagine your face in her place)

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(Imagine your face in her place)

She turned around and her brown icicles got locked with Yoongi's dark ones. He could sense her look hardening on him. He returned the ferocity until he remembered he was disguised as a peasant. He immediately looked down not wanting to blow off his cover. Satisfied with his action, Princess Hyesoo climbed on her horse and rode off.

A smirk slowly crept on his scarlet lips. Yoongi didn't realize when the crowd around him already had cleared. His eyes were fixed on the alluring beauty who was there a moment ago. Her face got etched in his brain. Nope, it was not a romantic love story where he could hear distant music and rose petals would fall from heaven. He was interested in her in a platonic way. Everything he did was to benefit his kingdom. He always seeked his advantage wherever he went. Realia attracted him. He wanted to take the kingdom under his custody. But he knew a war would ruin its beauty hence he decided to marry the princess and indirectly rule the kingdom. Besides he needed a queen for an heir to the throne. The princess had passed his vibe check and looked quite decent to represent his Kingdom. After all who would decline the marriage offer of the most powerful kingdom of the era.


Emperor Min Yoongi was furious when he heard the princess had declined his proposal. He flipped the table in anger. Metal items fell on the floor with loud clinks. It was the first time someone had declined his proposal. "How dare you! A mere princess! Now you will face the wrath of the Emperor!"

The female attendant flinched at his outburst. They rarely saw their highness angry and when he was, the conclusion was always war, death, and destruction. "Prepare for a war in three days." His ice-cold voice echoed in the castle. He adverted his gaze at one of the maidens who stood infront of his room and signaled her to get closer.

He drank the wine from the glass at one go and tossed the glass away. Then he locked his wine-filled mouth with the maiden. The night was a steamy one.


"ENOUGH!" Hoseok cut off the messenger. "How dare he!" He flipped his hair in annoyance at the same time he was afraid. The Mins were much stronger than the Jungs. On the other hand he could not sacrifice his sister.

Princess Hyesoo watched the drama unfold in the courtroom. She was gripping her throne so hard that the knuckles were almost white. She was composed outside just like an obedient princess should behave. But no one knew about the turmoil that was raging within her. She could spot beads of sweat on her brother's forehead. She was not ready to surrender herself to some stranger. Her marriage was already fated with her childhood friend, Prince Jeon Jungkook of Darlin, another great empire besides the Elesia.

"Your Majesty! I request you to accept the challenge!" She finally stood up. Hoseok immediately wanted to shut her up but the fire in her eyes made him stop. He never doubted her abilities, after all, Princess Jung Hyesoo was the Commander of the Realian Army.

"We are prepared for the war!" Hoseok announced.

"Tell your worthless king that his downfall will begin in the hands of Jung Hyesoo!" The princess added. The messenger twitched his eyes and left the palace without further words.


That Night it rained heavily... Destruction awaited as the strings of fates began getting entangled with the Jung Princess and the Min Emperor.

 Destruction awaited as the strings of fates began getting entangled with the Jung Princess and the Min Emperor

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