Arthur placed his hand on the top of the black stick that was at his side. The next dive Curtis made, Arthur drew his sword, causing a bright see through purple blade to shimmer in the light of the sun. He parried Curtis' attack and conjured an Earth wall to appear in front of Prince Curtis' bond.

Before Curtis could react, Arthur jumped up and kicked Curtis off his bond. The world lion tried to attack Arthur, but before he could a canopy of ice spikes appeared around the beast, causing it to be trapped in a cage.

Seeing this caused me to get curious. How is someone so skilled with two elements at that age? I tried to sense his core, but when I did a rush of pain went to my eyes.

'Is he at a high core level? How? He's barely 12 and I'm a seasoned adventurer and at light yellow. Or is he wearing an artifact blocking his core level?' I thought, signaling Torch to go lower so that I could get a better view.

Curtis kicked himself up from the ground quickly, and charged right back at Arthur. He didn't seem to have any real strategy, like he was completely going off his rage. Seeing how this fight was going to end, I looked towards the other royal in my class.

Princess Tessia seemed to be having a much better fight than Prince Curtis had. Tessia was using long ranged wind and plant spells keeping Caera away who was trying to get close to Tessia.

Caera didn't seem to have trouble with the plant magic, but was having a problem with Tessia' wind spells. They worked in tandem with her plant magic, so everytime Caera would remove a vine, she would also need to worry about a blade of wind.

Caera then ignited her crystal red sword with fire and started to burn away the vines, cutting through them as if they were butter. Princess Tessia then conjured a vine guardian. It was around 8ft tall. It welds a large vine sword in its right hand, and a vine shield in its left hand.

"Vine guardian!" Tessia yelled, flipping her wand upside down, holding it like a sword.

With a quick slice with her sword, the vine guardian did the same movement, causing a large crash to echo throughout the field, the ground that the vine sword hat hit was destroyed.

Caera didn't seem to be too bothered by the vine guardian, as she coated her entire body in fire, causing an armor like appearance to show on her body.

Vines started to shoot out from where Princess Tessia was standing, but when they made contact with Caera they burned away, not being able to withstand the heat from the fire armor.

Caera started to more forward towards Princess Tessia, her now only needing to focus on the wind spells Princess Tessia was launching at her.

While Caera started to move forward on Princess Tessia, her mana started to feel weird, as if it wasn't coming out of her core properly. The fire armor around her started to go brighter, and a purple tinge started to come from it.

Looking over to Princess Tessia, she seemed to be having a hard time keeping herself standing, as if her core was also giving her problems. The vines around Tess started to dissipate.

Soon a large influx of mana came from Caera as lightning shot from her body, along the lightning there were some purple lightning. Looking over to Princess Tessia, I saw her passing out. If she were to get hit by that attack she could die.

"TORCH DOWN!" I yelled, trying to stop the attack before it got there. But I was too late. A large explosion happened.

I jumped off Torch and ran through the dust in the air. But when I got to Princess Tessia I saw Arthur over top of the princess protecting her. The back of his skin was burned off, while his bones were visible.

I tried to walk over to them, but his bond got in my way. I then looked over to Caera to see that she had passed out and her bond seemed to be checking to make sure she was alright.

Arthur Leywin:

Curtis started to charge at me. I had just knocked him off Grawder and locked him up in a cage of ice. His charge was immature, one that would make anyone with a slightest bit of knowledge in how to fight cringe.

I swung my sword down, but it was met with the small golden shield that rested on his arm. Quickly, Curtis tried to impale me with his short sword, but with a quick side step I had removed that threat and opened up his right side for an easy attack.

I planted a kick on his side, sending him into the ice cage that Drawder was trapped in. He jumped back out, this time his first phase to his beast-will was activated. The fire on his sword had seemed to get stronger, while some light flames started to appear on his golden shield.

Curtis charged back at me, quickly sending attack after attack of blast of fire, and quick slashes with his sword. Curtis seemed to have a bit more of a technique, but it was a small improvement.

Curtis soon tightened his grip on his sword too much, causing him to be easily disarmed. His sword landed in front of me and Curtis yelled. "Explode!" A large surge of fire came from the sword. I jumped back quickly, dodging the attack for the most part, as I had a few burn marks on my legs.

Before Curtis could reach down and grab his sword, another canopy of ice shards appeared around him, pinning him to the ground.

I looked over to Claire and Clive's fight, but it had already ended with Claire coming out as the victore. I then felt a large spike in mana. I turned around and saw that Caera seemed to have lost control of her mana core, causing an attack to come barreling towards Tess.

Inside that attack there was lightning that had a purple color to it. 'Is that destruction?' I thought, looking over to Tess to see her falling unconscious.

'Shit, that'll kill her. I should've ended my battle with Curtis sooner,' I thought, as the world around me turned grey, as I activated Static void.

I started to rush over to Tess, but on my way I saw the destruction was still moving. While it wasn't as fast as it was before, it was still fast enough that I wouldn't be able to get Tess out of the way.

'Shit, how is the destruction breaking through Static Void? Is it because it's Fueled by Aether?' I thought.

Once I reached Tess, I didn't have time to move her like I thought I would. The destruction was already there and would hit her any second. I wrapped my arms around her and protected us with mana.

'This is going to hurt.'

A/N: I know someone is going to say destruction is fire. That is only because that is what Arthur views destruction as. Destruction could be in the form of anything the user thinks destruction is like.

Also, this destruction is a mana variant with some aether so it's just upgraded fire. Don't flame me about that.

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