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The ivory ball of light had disappeared, leaving two dust piles in it's wake. Y/n shivered, feeling sadness and remorse for her two new friends.

"Why did you do that, Chat?!" Y/n exclaimed angrily.

The boy in white pouted, "But, my night.. they forced me to stay away from you. The entire team did! They said they'd take my miraculous if I was ever caught with you. I couldn't help it, you are my bestfriend."

He pressed their foreheads together, letting her see the sadness that resonated in his eyes.

"It made me so mad, seeing them frolic around you while I was trapped like a bird in a cage. I missed you so much," A tear dropped from his eye, Y/n wiping it away as gently as she could with her finger.

"I'm so sorry Chat, because of me both you and Ladybug got akumatized.. Maybe the two of us being apart was the right thing-" Arms wrapped around Y/n's waist, shushing her with his gloved hand.

"How could you say that?" He pulled her closer, "Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I won't let us be apart any longer, I am your sunshine and you are my moonlight. My guiding star, my night. There can't be one without the other."

"Yet, they never share the same sky."

"If you say anything else against us being with each other, I'll blow up another part of Paris. Don't ever speak like that again," The white haired boy hissed.

Y/n just nodded, laying her head over his shoulder. His baton flinging them into the Parisian sky and towards the Louvre. Y/n's fear of heights kicked in, she clutched the akumatized hero as tightly as she could. He smiled, unoccupied hand flying up to cup the back of her head. She knew her Cat Noir would never do anything like this, and she also knew that somewhere deep down, he was in there.

"Sun...shine?" She tested the nickname out, Chat came to a stop. His cheeks were red.

"Yes?" He nuzzled into her crown.

"Where are we going?" Y/n catechized.

"Somewhere I can keep you safe," He replied. Jumping across rooftops again.

"Why wouldn't I be safe?"

"Ladybug and her friends will want to take you away from me. That can't happen, so I'm going to hide you away from them. Once I defeat them and give the miraculous to Hawkmoth, the two of us will always be together. He promised me that," Chat explained.

He didn't let her go even when they reached the Louvre. His right hand held her against him, her head tucked into his shoulder. The left hand aimed a Mega Cataclysm to the other civilians, whom he destroyed. He destroyed the camera's watching the Mona Lisa, tore the painting from the wall and slid open a secret door behind it.

"Go inside, I know it's tight and scary but a big room, you'll be safe in is on the other side. I'll go with you, I promise." Adrien heaved the girl into the opening, following behind her closely as she crawled inside.

Y/n was shaking the entire time, her breathing ragged as the tunnel got tighter and tighter. She couldn't stand being in here, she stopped. Choking on her tears, "I can't do this.. it feels like everything's closing in. I'm suffocating, please don't make me go through with this!"

"I just want you to be safe," He caressed her cheek with his night vision active, "Cat Blanc won't let anything hurt you. Not even the walls, ou won't suffocate with me here, okay? Just trust me, I have an idea."

He was on all fours, his body hanging over Y/n's awkwardly.

"Hold on, like I'm giving you a piggy back ride or something. Think happy thoughts, like us doing Karaoke a few weeks ago." Chat cheered her on, Y/n shakily sliding her arms around the leather bound victim.

He kept her steady, shooting off into the tunnel with in-human like speed. When Y/n opened her eyes she was inside the room that Blanc had told her about. It had mountains of paint buckets lining the walls, brushes and frames leaning against the space near the hidden door.

"Not so scary with your sunshine here, is it?" He smiled, brushing back her hair from her face.

"What do you think you are doing, Cat Blanc? This has gone on long enough, get the miraculous or I'll take away your powers. This is your one and only warning," Hawkmoth commanded, a shock spiraling throughout Blanc's body.

"Yes, Hawmoth." Adrien rolled his eys, "Kitty has to go now, my moonlight. I'll be back with Ladybug's miraculous and then we can be together all you want."

"Okay, okay.." Y/n just accepted it. She couldn't do anything without a miraculous. No one could.

She hoped that Ladybug would save Cat Noir.

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