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It had been two weeks, in that time 6 akumas had appeared and Chat wasn't in attendance at any of the attacks. Ladybug was worried, yet she didn't know Cat Noir was having the time of his life.


Y/n and Cat Noir sang their lungs out into their respetive microphones. One of Y/n's mother's friends had gifted the L/n's with a Karaoke machine, to which M/n had given it to her daughter as a gift and an apology for working for so long. Y/n's mom had left Paris on a trip to Versailles for a critic's meeting. Her father always worked late to mantain the company, at times he even lived in his office. It was well known he loved his wife so much that he couldn't sleep without her beside him and so he drowned himself in his large workload. Y/n visited him sometimes, to make sure he ate and at least got what little rest he could.

Adrien had spent a lot of time with Y/n over the last two weeks, they were practically inseperable and knew everything about each other. For the exception of Adrien's identity as a civilian. He was loyal to Ladybug in that one way.

"Your mom is super nice, my dad just leaves me in the house when he goes on trips. I hardly see him as it is, I don't even know he's gone until his assitant tells me. I mean you get nice presents and stuff, your mom tries to make up for it." He said, inhaling as much air as he could while he plopped on Y/n's bed.

"Yeah, I guess. Mom always makes sure to spend extra time with me and Dad when she gets back. We go on picnics and stuff, and see movies. I wish I could take you with us sometimes, but Hawkmoth is still here and everything.." Y/n says trying to cheer up her blonde friend.

"Maybe one day, when he get's caught and everything.. I could tell you who I really am and then maybe we could do even more best friend things. It feels so wrong, hiding myself from you, Y/n. I hate it so much," He explains with a pout.

Y/n smiles, pushing back his side bangs with a wink.

"Don't you worry, I'm sure he'll be all gone soon and then we can have sleepovers and stuff at your house. I'll make sure I'm super quiet when I sneak in, okay? We can raid the kitchen at 2 am together, I promise." She reassures.

Cat Noir sighs, pressing his forehead to Y/n's shoulder in comfort.

"I'm so glad I met you, Y/n." He exhales happily, "I don't know what I'd do without you. I don't know how I lived."

"Me either," She laughs, laying beside him.


Ladybug stood atop the Eiffel Tower, scanning the streets of Paris for any sign of Cat Noir. Rena Rouge watched in sullen silence as the herione eyed the cement ways with rigor. She could tell the red and black themed hero was losing her patience, she had waited for so long for her partner to return.

"I'm going to find him," The bluenette spoke, "wait here for the other's. I can't wait any longer."

Rena didn't dare argue, Ladybug had been known to blow up easily without Cat Noir. Maybe it was stress, or just her missing him? No one really knew. Rouge felt terrible about it, knowing she couldn't do anything to help but take the bug's place as team leader while she searched.

"Find anything interesting, or regarding Cat Noir?" Rena began as the Super's reunited.

"Eh, just a few robbers testing their luck," Vesperia answered.

"Purse snatcher," Polymouse piped.

While the rest recounted their adventures across Paris, Rena Rouge could only hope for Ladybug's safety.

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