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Red sirens rang, Akuma alerts blaring at five in the morning. Nadia Chamack in her helicopter with her camera-man at her side.

"Breaking news, a figure relatively similiar to Ladybug is taking over Paris! Spider's have infested the streets and are attacking the team of Super's! They can barely handle the situation. No sign of Cat Noir or Ladybug just yet-" She reported, the helicopter was caught in a web.

The vehicle was pulled down towards the ground by the silk, Latrodectus was tackled by Ryuko's wind. An array of strings knocked her back, Nadia still recording gave a voice-over of the fight. Polymouse attempted to attack with Multitude but Latrodectus managed to fight the clones off. Vesperia ran through Pegasus' portal, only to be caught in another web with her venom power out. She couldn't move, and her five minutes was ticking by. Polymouse and Ryuko in similar situations in webs. The three super's the villian had caught were wrapped up by her spider friends and taken to the top of the Eiffel Tower, where the spider-silk was thicker than a forest.

"Cat Noir, Ladybug. Please, come!" Nadia pleaded from behind Carapace's shelter.

They were running out of time, running out of heroes. They needed Cat Noir and they needed him fast. Luka fought back the monster's attacks to the best of his ability, his second chance already in action. His harp's sound kept as many enemies away as possible, King Monkey swooping in to assist.

Purple Tigress slammed her clout into the ground, allowing the remaining heroes to escape from the onslaught. Cat Noir was already on his way, Y/n hurriedly sending him towards the scene as soon as she noticed Ladybug's lack of appearence. He didn't want to leave her, it was the last thing he wanted. But, he knew he'd never forgive himself if he didn't help. He crawled down a sewage lane, running across the side-walk underneath the city to get to the failing heroes.

Caprikid caught his eye, Chat coming to an abrupt halt as he met the gazes of the left-over supers. Only 11.

Rena growled, "Where the hell have you been?! Ladybug was worried sick about you and now she's akumatized and it's your fault!"

"Calm down, Rens. It wasn't just his fault, it's everyone's elses too. That includes Ladybug-"

"How could you say that?! Ladybug would never be at fault, it has to be his fault!" She shouted angrily, gritting her teeth.

"Carapace is right, Rena." Pigella agreed, "everyone is hurting and in a tough spot right now. Ladybug and Cat Noir especially, it's up to all of us to save her. We have to find a way to do this together."

The rest nodded in acknowledgment.

"I need to go for a sec, my five minutes are up." Viperion explained bolting off, a blue hue following him as he left. Nino went the opposite direction and Pegasus in the same place as Luka when he left.

"Let's see what we got, okay. So, three of us are out of commission in the tower. It's no use trying to get them back, that's the most fortified place in all of Paris right now. We have to drag her away from the Eiffel, get up close and take her miraculous. That's the main thing. We have to find the akuma next, which will most likely still be on her person. Hawkmoth wouldn't risk making a miraculous an object.. any objections?" The cat ask.

Grunts of agreement sounding after he finished his first part of the plan.

"Okay, we are gonna split up into teams of two. Pegasus and I, Rena and Carapace, Caprikid and Rooster Bold, Miss Houd and Minotaurox, Pigella and Purple Tigress, King Monkey and Viperion. Viper, once we get out of this place activate second chance, we are going to need it. Rena, first thing's first. When we leave, we'll need your mirage to make copies of us. Carapace, keep Rena in a safe location that she can overwatch everything from. Everyone else except Pegasus too your best to capture Latrodectus. Let's go!" Cat Noir ordered, everyone splitting into teams and exiting the sewers.

The sound of Rena's flute and puffs of smoke was enough to draw away the Spider Queen. She and a mini-army of her friends crawled along the roofs, knocking clones out by the tons. The real Minotaurox and Miss Hound attacking directly, both activating their powers. Minotaurox, Caprikid and Rooster Bold all distracting her. Caprikid conjuring a rope and Rooster Bold copying that ability. Purple Tigress, Pigella, King Monkey and Viperion kept the spiders at bay.

King Mokey got distracted trying to Protect Pigella and was spun into a cacoon. Luka put second chance into play, only rewinding to that moment and smashing the spider with his harp.

"Thanks man."

"No problem," The snake smiled sweetly.

Miss Hound managed to steal the earrings off Latrodectus, Pegasus activated his teleportation ability and snatche them from her hands. The Spider villian snapping out of the binds and chasing after him. Luckily, he was just quick enough to make it out and shut the portal.

"Here, I'm trusting you with these, Cat Noir. Go find us a new ladybug to save this one." Max handed over the earrings, hopping down into an alley to detransform again and feed Kaalki.

Cat Noir held them close to his chest, flying across Paris to the girl he knew would be a perfect fit.

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