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Cat Blanc's face was stone cold, yet Noir's heart still lived inside. There was still fondness in those frigid blue eyes, first thing's first. He needed to secure
Y/n's safety, the Louvre would be perfect. He immediately returned to the apartment, only to find Carpikid and Rooster Bold sitting across the top of her balcony, like they were old friends. It enraged him. Y/n went inside to feed Beau, which led to him overhearing a conversation between the two.

"Nath, are you really considering a poly relationship with this girl? You just got to know her," Bold whispered.

"I know! But, Marc we only knew each other for barely a week when we started liking each other. I don't want to make her uncomfortable, but I really like her. I know if you give her a chance, you'd like just as much as I do! Come on Marc, just try?" Nathaniel revealed.

The Rooster themed hero pinched his nose-bridge, "Fine. I'll do my best, but let's not overwhelm her, okay?"

"Ah, thank you, you're the best boyfriend in the world!" Nath kissed Marc's cheek and hugged him tightly.

Marc patted his head, "I know."

Cat Blanc snarled with jealousy, he knew her for a day and suddenly thought he could have some sweeping romance with Y/n and his little boyfriend! Absolutely not, no way was that happening with Cat Blanc on the job.

"I'm flattered, really. But, like your boyfriend said, we barely know each other, Nath." Y/n smiled at them, "You guys sure do whisper loudly."

Nathaniel went read, "Sorry.."

"Not your fault, I have good hearing anyways," She laughed, "So, why don't we come inside and try to get to know each other."

Cat Blanc crawled closer to her window, while the boys looked around her room in wonder, Chat snuck in to hide.

"Are you like rich or something?" Marc solicited.

"Kinda, my parents are. They want the best for their kid, ya' know?" Y/n fiddled with her fingers, she was scared of Marc's opinion. He didn't seem like a bad person to her. It's just that she knew he wasn't too fond of her, with every reason! But, still it kind of hurt her feelings. He didn't know that much about her. Stalker Blanc: 1 Bi- babies: 0

"What's your favorite color?" Marc began with a list of questions while Nathaniel sketched on the bed.


"Favorite food?"


"Do you like ice cream?"

"Of course, who doesn't like ice cream?" (Just cause I'm lactose intolerant doesn't mean I don't love me some ice cream, okay. It's not a choice.)

"Good answer. What're your hobbies?"

"Reading, Writing, I like Manga and Anime, Karaoke, sleeping, eating a bunch of food while I watch random movies until 4 am?"

Marc nodded to himself, his black nails poking out from underneath his feathered sleeves.

"What school do you go to?"

"Uh, College Francois Dupont. I take online classes though, my anxiety could never let me step into that building." Y/n shuddered thinking about all of those kids packed together in tight seats and circular lunchroom tables.

"I see and what about now? Is your anxiety acting up because of us?" Marc scrunched his face up under the mask, leaning closer to the girl.

"A bit.. not so much you but uh, your opinions make my stomach whirl. Like what do you think about me? Do you hate me? Stuff like that," She answered, backing away uncomfortably.

Nath snapped a picture for a reference photo, "Back up a bit, Marc. You're scaring her senseless, you said not to overwhelm her."

"Right, sorry- shit!" Chat leaped for him when he brushed his finger's across Y/n's arm.

"Stay away from her," The white clothed cat warned, "Or I'll bust your skull open."

(Plz ambulance sirens are going by me rn. It's for Marc lol.)

"Cat Noir? What the hell are you doing in Y/n's room?" Caprikid got into a fighting stance.

Cat Blanc held Rooster Bold down by the neck, "It's Cat Blanc now, Goat Boy. Never took you two for boys who'd steal a kitty's best friend while he was out. So, the plan was to take Y/n for yourselves? Banning me from seeing her was not a smart move on your part. Cat Noir was nice and cared for you as friends, Cat Blanc couldn't care less if you two died."

"Chat, please fight this. We don't want to fight you!" Nathaniel choked out, rushing to Marc's side.

"It's too late for that. Mega Cataclysm."

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