"It's been 2 month since that incident huh..." I started as he looked away with a guilty expression. I could see the color die out from his skin.

   "I guess you would still be angry about that." He said as he sat upright.

  "It's quite the opposite actually. I forgave you a long time ago." I said. You could see the relief in his eyes when I said so.

      As he got up, he dusted himself before looking down at me as I stared up at him. He walked around me, observing before crossing his arms and closed his eyes in thoughts. Eddie did something similar as well. What was up with that though. Was it because I had changed that much?

    "Honestly, I'm baffled. " he began before crossing both arms. "The description of the Revent Queen was slightly off. But I didn't expect it to be you Soulen." He said as I smiled a bit.

  "Slightly off?" I asked; curious as to what he meant.

"Well.... initially, The Information about the Revent Queen was that she was twice the size of a human and had blueish glowing eyes, vines around her and you couldn't see her face." He pointed out as I giggled gently.

      "Well that is terrifying. Even for me." I laughed gently. They both have an uneasy smile.  "So I sounded that scary huh... hah that would have been fun." I said before a thought popped in.

  "Could you two do me a favour?" I asked as they rose their brows. Since they were here. I could use this opportunity to teach my revenants.


   Minutes later, I had brought back Eddie and Shariq to the hideout of revenants through the hideout in Redwood town. They stared in awe at the giant tree that bloomed beautifully in the cave. It was a nice reaction. After all, they were the first humans to see it.
    After they gawked at it for a few more minutes, I took them up the stairs to the bar in the main lounge. As we made our way, the other revenants stared at them curiously. This made them very uneasy but to be honest, I was enjoying their nervousness here. Soon enough, all eyes had shifted away from them as we sat down at the bar.

    "This is insane...." Eddie said looking around in awe. I simply stayed quiet as I leaned on the table while in thought.

  "So... you called us both here.. why?" Shariq said as I looked at his gun and pointed at it.

     "I'd like you two to train my revenants on how to aim well with a gun." I said as they blinked twice. Shocked perhaps.

  "What do you mean? They don't know how to use a gun?" Eddie asked as I nodded gently.

    "That's interesting. I know they aren't humans but they do behave like one. I had suspected they'd at least be good with weapons." Shariq pointed out as I shrugged.

"It's complicated to explain. But let's just say them being reborn is like teaching a baby how to use walk. " I said as Shariq crossed his arms in thought.

      "I'll do it. I've been wanting to repay for my mistake 2 months ago." He said which caused me to smile a bit. Eddie heaved a sigh at that moment as well.

  "Fine. I'll help also. You did save my life. But we have to be quick. Cassei and the rest will be worried." He said which peaked my curiosity.

     "Eddie.. how's-"

"Tougz? He hasn't been himself since you left. However he is doing more in camp than he ever did." Eddie pointed out as I smiled a bit.

   "He sure misses you." Shariq said as I rubbed my left hand.

Lifeafter; The era of the Revenants Where stories live. Discover now