"What did I say... about a low profile?!" I yelled, picking up a nearby car door and slamming it on the ground. That got the newborns' attention, as they all swiveled their heads toward me.

I snarled, "What's done is done. Just, clean up after yourselves." Suddenly, I felt a presence on a nearby roof. When I turned my head to see what it could be, I saw nothing. Must be my imagination. I gave the newborns one last disgusted look as I turned away, feeling exhausted.

[Selene POV]

"A party?" I echoed, surprise written on my face. "Are you sure that that's a good idea—what with all the dangers we've been facing?" We'd just found out about an arising problem soon after the intruder in Bella's room—the Seattle news reported multiple killings in the past few days. Jasper suspected they were newborns—seeing how conspicuous they'd been. Someone was apparently creating an army. I suspected it was Victoria. After all, she was the main vampire targeting Bella at the moment. Edward on the other hand, suspected the Volturi. He said it was the perfect scheme to get him and Alice to join them.

A newborn army would be able to successfully kill off his family—without the Volturi breaking any laws. Emmett raised the idea of us heading to Seattle to "deal with it," which we all agreed upon. I thought we would be preparing for the battle by now—but apparently Alice had something else in mind.

Alice rolled her eyes, "Lighten up, Selene! A party is just what we need to distract ourselves from this whole.. situation."

After some persuading, I eventually agreed. I knew how much Alice loved throwing parties and graduation was just the perfect excuse for her. Maybe this would be a good distraction for us, I thought to myself. I knew everyone was a little tense recently—especially Edward.

Alice had decided to host the graduation party at the Cullen house and invited Bella—along with some of her human friends. I was nervous at first, as I didn't know if I could control my thirst at a large crowd like that—but Alice immediately assured me that I'd been doing very well at training and that they would be there to guide me.

I was actually quite excited to meet Bella again, she always reminded me of how it was like to be human again. And I could see how much she made Edward happy.

Rosalie, Alice, and I took turns helping each other get ready for the celebration. We were all laughing and chatting as we helped each other put our hair up in various hairstyles. I decided on a crimped hair-style as it made my magenta-red hair stand out more. I dressed in a baby blue cross halter dress and borrowed Alice's white heels. Alice had noted that "I looked like Ariel," which sent us into another fit of laughter.

"C'mon girls, the guests are coming in!" Emmett shouted at us from outside the room. We giggled and rushed to get finished.

The party was beautiful—loud music sounded from the stereos and garlands hung from the ceilings to add as decoration. Everyone was dancing around while my eyes roved to find Bella. My eyes settled on the female with dark brown hair who was engaging in a talk with the werewolf boy—Jacob, they mentioned. He seemed to be apologizing to her. I kept a close eye on Jacob, as I heard about the news of him kissing Bella—which then resulted in her punching him and spraining her wrist in the process.

Thank goodness Jasper had been training me to control my thirst these past few weeks because as soon as Bella came closer, her scent was overpowering. I had hunted before the party started but my throat felt a tad warm due to her close proximity. I didn't know how Edward could handle being around her so often. I held my breath, so as not to smell her as efficiently. Smiling at her, I said, "How are you Bella? I heard you punched a werewolf in the face," I chuckled.

She laughed and looked down, "Yeah it's been a crazy couple days for me."

Suddenly, Alice stopped laughing and stopped moving. Bella and I turned to her, sure that she was getting a vision. "Alice, what did you see?" Bella asked as soon as Alice seemed to regain consciousness.

I turned to Alice. "Was it about Victoria?" I asked. Alice seemed to be at a loss for words.

Jasper rushed over, upon noticing his mate's new vision. Alice seemed to avoid my eyes as she turned to Jasper. "The decision's been made," she said almost imperceptibly.

Bella wore a worried expression on her face as realization dawned on her. "You're not going to Seattle... are you?" She asked.

Alice shook her head, still refusing to meet my gaze. "They're coming here," she said, finally looking at me. "I'm sorry, Selene," she whispered.

If my heart could still beat, it would probably be pounding by now. Alice had never looked at me with such pity and sorrow before. "What's wrong, Alice? Why are you sorry?" I was almost afraid to ask, dreading the answer.

I almost wished I hadn't asked as she said, "It's Riley. He's the one leading the army here."

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