Ranpoe - Summer Rain

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      It was a humid summer morning. Sun rays filtered through the window blinds of Ranpo's room, setting a mood upon him. The sky was a clear blue, with clouds drifting in and out. Though, there were dark clouds overcast. It seemed as though the world was holding it's breath.

Ranpo sighed out of pure boredom. It was a typical Saturday, as these usually start with Ranpo waking up to another crazy dream about how he was Inspector Gadget in another universe (definitely true btw). But Ranpo was passed these dreams now, he was just straight (or gay) up bored.

He was currently laying on his bed, trying to hold his breath with a hard candy swirling around in his mouth. The flavor was green apple. The only valid flavor in his opinion, honestly. Ranpo was kicking his feet back and forth, trying to still hold his breath. He felt like bursting. Eventually, he did, obviously. He was just THAT bored.

"Uuuuughhhh, I should call someone.. It's sooooo boringgggggg.." Ranpo sighed. 

Then he choked on the candy cause never eat & talk while laying down or ur gonna choke somehow. /j (nah seriously though dont do that u gonna die)

He wasn't very used to being this bored, there's usually a lot of things for him to do. For one, stack up on his candy stash. This particular Saturday was very boring, though, even for Ranpo. He's been laying there for, who knows, an hour? 2? Even he doesn't know.

"Maybe I'll watch something again, I don't know.. There's hardly any good mystery or murder series to solve anymore," Ranpo said to himself, looking outside with a wistful gaze. Suddenly, he had an idea.


"C'mon, Poe, it'll be fun!"

"I don't know.. the thought of getting drenched when it's supposedly supposed to be a dry season doesn't seem very gratifying to me.."

"Aww, I guess I'll just snatch Karl real quick and--"

"Okay, fine! If we catch a cold though in the MIDDLE OF SUMMER I will definitely suck you into a book that has no existence of candy and then burn it."

"Oh? Being bold now, are we?"

"S-shut up!"

Ranpo always had enjoyed teasing Poe, he had a cute flustered face. It was especially nice to see him blush, it made Ranpo feel all fluttery inside.

"Anyway, are you sure about this..? We could go back and.. I don't know.. watch a movie instead.." Poe asked, with a worried look. "Plus, Karl is going to get wet!"

"Poe. Raccoons literally like rain. Unless it's raining really hard, but in this case it's just light! Trust me with this, it'll be fun and tooootallyyy romantic!!" Ranpo reassured Poe, even backing his statement up with a fact that he wasn't very sure about.

"I can't believe I'm doing this.. fine. Can we-- can we at least wear rain boots..? I don't want to get my boots wet," he said, embarrassed.

"Sure! I have a pair of rainboots (flashbacks to a certain episode in season 2..) anyway, how about you? I actually brought them along.. I don't want my shoes getting wet either!!"

"Uh, I think so? Let me check my collection real quick.." Poe said, leaving Ranpo with a 'what did you just say' face.

"WHAT? Collection?? Poe-- how do you even have a shoe COLLECTION? I mean, a few pairs I understand but what makes you say you have a WHOLE COLLECTION??" said Ranpo, with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"One can never have too many shoes! Plus, I'm a billionaire, or did that slip your mind again?"

"Ugh, of course.. Why do i keep forgetting this even though I go to your mansion every single day??"

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