They all nodded and split up to cover more ground. For Itachi and Kisame, they attacked fanatics and Grimm with Kisame having the time of his life slaughtering his captors. Itachi noticed too late to see a certain Scorpion Faunus tackle him to the lower levels of the Monstra.

Tyrian managed to punch Itachi's head but Itachi blocked the next punch and made a sucker one at Tyrian's face. Itachi pursued the Faunus and took cover on a pillar. He waited for Tyrian to strike him with his stinger and Tyrian did try that on his left. Itachi caught the stinger on the second try, pulled Tyrian and rammed his kunai to the Faunus' face, killing him. Itachi tossed the body aside and ran to regroup with his partner.

Kisame killed the last Grimm and wiped the sweat off his face before seeing a woman bound on what seems to be an operating table.

This woman he recognized as Konan wearing the same robes as he. She has short blue hair with a paper flower attached to it. He gripped her restraints and smashed it. He made a rough shake to wake her up.

She groggily asked. "W...what...who is it?"

Kisame replied. "Same side as you, we're getting you out."

"Where's Pain?" She asked.

"Don't know but his Paths are finding him. Let's go to Itachi."

Konan frowned. "Itachi Uchiha.... he's here?"

Kisame nodded. "Mhm. Saved me, your friends paths and ought to save you."

Konan nodded. "Lead on."

They met up with Itachi who had just finished breaking a fanatic's head. "You're welcome." Kisame said playfully when Itachi looked at Konan.

"Are you alright?"

Konan nodded. "Yes, I'm a little weak from what that cursed Faunus did to me but I'm still fit to fight."

Kisame said. "Come on guys. Let's not get those Paths guys hog all the fun."

The Paths have finally arrived at Watts' control room where he is currently electrocuting Pain with lightning. They were forced to destroy the power cores around the room which worked by short circuited and hit the area where Watts' is.

Seeing all of the Paths approaching him ominously, Watts' tried to plea. "No! Please! My mind can still be of use- "He was cut off by a kick to the face before having his hands pinned by a rod.

Watts' resorted to begging. "I can tell you what Salem is planning. Just let me live."

One Path was carrying Pain who commanded. "Speak."

"I have Jacques Schnee's credentials as per our agreement. I'm giving it to our double agent inside Atlas. She'll shut down Mante's heaters and lock Ironwood out from the Atlas servers." Watts' explained.

Pain interrogated. "You said it was a woman. Who is she?"

Watts refused to answer but one of the Paths twisting the rod onto his back made him break. "Okay! Okay! Stop!" When the Path did, he confessed. "I found out about her clan and threatened to kill them all if she didn't cooperate! I experimented on her clan's semblance and I found it to be the most fascinating of all. She is one of Naruto Uzumaki's team."

Pain nodded. "That's enough."

Watts said. "Thank you. I can give your puppets modifications to improve their effectiveness."

Pain shook his head. "We never came with an arrangement. You're a loose end and it must be tied up."

Watts protested. "But Salem needs me! I have the only technical and digital knowledge around Atlas!"

Pain was unmoved. "You'll die anyway when she finds out who let one of her plans slip." He ordered his Paths to kill Watts.

"NO!! NO!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!! YOU DRONES!!! STAY AWAY!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Watts screamed in agony as the Paths stabbed him to death with their rods.

Pain and his Paths reunited with Konan, Kisame and Itachi where the former embraced him and he hugged back.

"Well, it's been a reunion is it?"

The four (and five if you count the paths) looked and saw Salem herself being accompanied by Hazel Reinheart. Salem droned on. "You come in here, murder my circle and massacred my human followers? How nice to meet you."

Konan replied. "You needn't worry. We were just leaving."

Salem scoffed. "You won't be leaving here at all. You'll all be residents at my Monstra and you will replace the ones you killed."

Itachi cried out. "Amaterasu!"

Salem was caught in it and said. "That never ending fire will not kill me, Uchiha!"

Itachi shot back coldly. "Unfortunate for you. This fire will burn seven days and nights. You'll be in constant pain while we escape."

Salem sneered. "Hazel, seize them!"

Konan shouted her move. "Shikigami dance!" She launched a spear at Hazel which hit his chest dead on.

Hazel yanked the paper spear off of him as he pursued Itachi's group. Pain made an Almighty Push in one of the walls and Kisame fired a water shark jutsu at Hazel who was knocked back and bought the group time enough to escape by jumping off.

Konan activated her Awakening which spread her angelic paper wings while Itachi activated his Perfect Susanoo to catch Kisame and Pain's Paths plus the man himself.

They landed in the snowy tundra where they gazed at the Bullheads traveling to and from Atlas. Pain noted. "Arthur Watts told me that there is a double agent within Naruto Uzumaki's circle. Based on what he provided to me, it is a woman and she had a clan held hostage."

Kisame pointed out. "But they were all dead, their eyes planted in Hounds as a supplement to Silver Eyes."

Konan piped in. "I saw it happened. I'd rather forget about it."

Itachi nodded. "Let us go to Atlas but discreetly. We shall aid Naruto when Salem strikes at this kingdom."

Pain asked. "What shall we name this team."

Itachi looked at Pain and said.

"The Akatsuki."

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