Chapter 16: A dinner for four

Start from the beginning


Evening came.

The moon shined bright, in that void sky, it was lit by the distant stars it was glittered in. The streets would've been dim, if not for the streetlamps that were all around us, paving the streets with light so as to guide us through the dark.

Except for our footsteps, everything else was devoid of sound, while the lit houses on our sides surely had matters of their own, outside there was nothing to be heard.

"Onii-chan, thanks"

"Hmm, for what?"

As we walked, she gently placed her head on the side of my shoulder, and she closed her eyes, all while bearing a joyous smile.

"Just...for listening to my request"

(Surely, I could brush it off as just a shallow reason to get me out of the house, but, I know full well what her intentions are)

I closed my eyes as well and warmly answered her:

"Well, it wasn't bad...I got good cardio from it"

"Fufu, you're not even going to admit it?"

She giggled without even trying to hide her smug face.

"Admit what?"


She uttered it so casually that it didn't convince me at all, still, getting into it with her seemed worthless, and so we continued our walk until we reached our house.






"We're back"

"We're back"

We opened the door. Desolate of any radiance and drained of warmth. With a single flick, it all changed in a flash of light that almost blinded the eyes, the room was illuminated.

We entered another room and did the same.

As soon as we could see, we saw Kamakura lying on the sofa, quietly and comfortably.

"We're back, Kamakura-san"

"We're back"


I went to the kitchen, and laid the plastic bags on the table. I sat on the sofa in comfort, letting the fatigue dissipate from my body.

I then heard Komachi humming while cheerfully putting her apron on. Kamakura moved to my lap and expressed his comfort by purring.

(Ah, yes, this is it, this is what they call it, right? The castle in the sky that all men dream of, right? It's granted by this alone)

I closed my eyes and basked in the leisure of the moment, as this was the parallel of my past, but also its contrast.

(Surely, I thought a moment like this would never happen again...with days that resembled nothing like this. This image that I once gave up on, you're always wrong, past me...always)

It was soft, it was warm, it was delicate, I gently caressed Kamakura's fur with my hand. The brushing contact was, in a way, therapeutic, it was blissful.

The sink that gushed out water, the smell of deep fried food, I'm satisfied.

Then another noise came, not from the kitchen, but rather, the sound of the door being opened.

I heard the footsteps of two, slowly approaching, it sounded as though they had no shoes, as the noise wasn't all too strong, then the living room door was opened.

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