Chapter 8 [Goodbye for now]

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James had been following her and continued to annoy her. Cassandra was trying, but failing, to ignore him. They are now in class. "Did you guys believe she slept with the prince?" people joked in class about Cassandra. "What is the prince's interest in her?" "She's unattractive; she should commit suicide." Cassandra was irritated by them. They are always being disrespectful to her.

They're calling me a słut even though I've never slept with a man. They're the ones who are słuts. Look at how they're falling for James. They're still around him. They need to come to terms with reality. James will marry someone in the future. Clearly not me! I'm going to remain a safe distance from him. It is, however, difficult. James has been yearning to get closer to me for quite some time. It will ruin my chances of having a happy life.

People stop talking because James threatens them with ruining their lives if they talk badly about Cassandra. Girls may express an interest in being with him, but once they get near to him, they are afraid of him. James appears kind on the surface, but he is a lunatic on the inside. No one has ever dared to challenge James.

"Can you tell me what you're talking about, you two?" James slams his fist against the desk of one of the girls. He placed a smile on his face. "Nothing!" They were terrified of what he might do. According to rumors, if they do something he doesn't like, he would ruin their life. This is why people are terrified. They are serious about not having to deal with James.

"Okay!" With a grin on his face, James walked away. After that, he went to Cassandra. Cassandra was dozing off in class. "Hello!" James tapped her on the head. "Can you tell me what you want?" Cassandra awoke from her dream. She was enraged that he had bothered her. "Here!" James presents her with a box of chocolates. "Thank you!" says Cassandra. James does one thing for her: he spoils her rotten. "What exactly do you want from me?" James was a little concerned. "Stop harassing me!" says Cassandra. He was disliked by Cassandra since he was always by her side.

"Do you despise me?" says James. James was behaving in a cold - hearted manner towards her. "I don't dislike you, but you continue to bother me." James was depressed. "I apologise!" Is he taking himself seriously right now? Tch! What am I supposed to do with this guy? His apologies were not accepted by Cassandra. "Don't bother hanging out with me anymore." Cassandra wore a serious expression. "Okay!" James took a step back from her.

The bell rang a few minutes later. It signifies the end of the school year. Cassandra, take her belongings. She walked out of the school.

"Wait for me, Cassandra," he says. Out the window, James was staring at her.

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