Happy Birthday Piper

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"M'man," Y/N said sarcastically, taking it.

Piper gasped when she saw Jason at the front of the restaurant.

"Hey," he greeted, "You look beautiful."

"You're not so bad yourself, Grace," Piper blushed.

"Oh, quit talking to yourself, Piper," Y/N said from Nico's arms. She looked at Jason, "She does that a lot around you, doesn't she?"

"Shut it, Di Angelo," Piper piped up. 

Y/N opened her mouth to retaliate, but immediately turned red herself.

Nico chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Let's eat, shall we?"

When they were seated at their table, Percy came walking towards them.

He was using a waiter's outfit, with a "gorgeous" mustache on his face.

Annabeth told him he looked stupid, but he still went with it.

When Piper saw this she raised her eyebrows, though she didn't question it.

"What can I get these fine, lovely couples tonight?" Percy asked with a terrible British accent.

Y/N piped up, "I'd like some French French fries, with a surprise birthday party on the side."

"What now?" Piper asked.




The rest of the seven, and a few other close friends popped up from their hiding places. They showered the room with balloons, streamers, and confetti. 

Piper was stunned, "I... wow, thanks guys!"

"The fun's not over yet," Hazel giggled, "We have another surprise."

"He... should be here about now," Frank said.

The restaurant doors were opened by none other than Coach Hedge.

He looked at Piper, "Happy Birthday, cupcake! Wow, you look much older."

"Um, thanks Coach," Piper smiled, "This is certainly a surprise."

"I think Mr. Zhang meant me," Tristan Mclean walked into the room, "Hello, sweetheart."

"Dad!" Piper squealed, rushing over to hug her Father, "You came!"

"Not only me."

Mr. Mclean stepped aside to reveal the goddess Aphrodite, who was using a simple, white dress. (She wanted Piper to shine brighter.)

"Piper!" she squealed, "Oh, my daughter, you look absolutely beautiful! Gorgeous! Fantas-"

Her eyes landed on Tristan Mclean.

The gentleman chuckled softly as he bowed to kiss Aphrodite's hand.

"M'lady," he grinned, "So good to see you again."

"Tristan..." Aphrodite said breathlessly.

Piper never saw the goddess being flustered before.

"Hey guys!" DJ Leo yelled over the crowd, "LET'S GET THIS PARTAY STARED!!"


~ a little extra from Y/N's POV ~

"You're spoiling me, Neeks," you chuckled.

Nico had turned up with some McDonalds French fries and chicken wings, sharing them with you in the corner of the room.

"To be fair, you wanted French fries, I got you French fries," Nico laughed.

"Thanks though," you smiled up at him, "Bouillabaisse isn't really my taste." (I have no idea what that is tbh)

"I know," Nico gave wrapped an arm, around your shoulders, "Next time, I'm taking you to an Italian restaurant."

"I'm in."

I haven't written a long oneshot in a long time, so I really enjoyed doing this now that I have the time!

Anyway, I never did Piper's POV before. It was a bit hard trying to write in her personality- but it was definitely fun!

Somebody please do the calculations and research for me, how old would Piper be in 2022?

Peace out

- FantasyDemiWitch

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