Blaise tried rubbing my back multiple times to get my attention, but I didn't budge. My tears were free falling down my face, and I couldn't do anything to stop them. Wiping them would just draw more attention, so I decided to wait it out. They'd dry themselves eventually.

"Em, are you alright?" Vincent asked on my opposite side, his voice full of concern. "You haven't eaten a thing." He said softly. I nodded my head, but still kept it down on the table.

"I don't feel good." I mumbled loud enough for both him and Blaise to hear. No one said anything else as Dumbledore silenced the hall. He started rambling on about the Goblet of Fire, but if I was being quite honest, I could've gave two shits about the tournament.

Dumbledore had announced the two schools, roaring applauses and cheers following both of their entrances. But I stayed quiet, and I didn't move a muscle. The dinner had already disappeared from in front of us, and I had missed my opportunity to eat, but I didn't even want one.

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! AN OUTRAGE!" Blaise screamed at the top of his lungs as he stood up on the bench. Draco grabbed him by the pant leg and pulled him back down as the rest of the students continued screaming.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled. I peaked my head up and looked at Vincent in confusion.

"I missed all of that," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes quickly to make sure they were dry.

"Age restriction on the tournament. You can't enter unless you're 17." He mumbled out of the side of his mouth, keeping his attention on the front of the Great Hall.

"This has now become one of the worst nights of my life," Draco hissed, rubbing his hands over his face roughly. I shot him a glare, and couldn't hold it in no matter how hard I tried.

"Why because you can't enter a stupid tournament? Godric forbid Draco doesn't get what he wants! Just have Daddy pay your way in, I'm sure the minister would make an exception with a couple hundred galleon in his pockets." I seethed, causing Blaise's eyes to widen in surprise.

"What the hell did I miss?" Blaise mumbled as he looked between the two of us. Draco groaned even louder at my outburst and laid his head on the table just like I had been sitting all night. He deserved it.

"From this moment forward," Dumbledore announced. "The Triwizarding Tournament has begun!" With the end of his statement, Draco pushed his hands off of the table and stormed out of the Great Hall.

"What happened?" Blaise whispered out of shock. I glared at him, though it wasn't his fault. I could not contain the emotions I felt any longer.

I turned towards Blaise and buried my face in the shoulder of his dress shirt. He stiffened at first but relaxed when he could feel my body shaking from my soft sobs.

"Merlin, Em, what did he do to you?" Blaise asked in a hushed voice. I didn't answer except for my arms wrapping around his neck tightly to hide myself away. Worse enough, all I wanted was for it to be Draco I was clinging on to.

My hair was thrown into a messy ponytail and my face was bare of makeup as I sat in astronomy class. I had managed to ignore Draco the entire day, making a promise to myself that I wouldn't speak to him. He tried his hardest, grazing my leg with his fingers under the desks or trying to ask me questions, but I never responded.

I was so tired from barely sleeping the night before. Who ever came up with the idea to have a class at midnight? An idiot. That's who. My eyes were drooping slightly as I tried my hardest to listen to Professor Sinistra speak.

We sat in the back of the class so I could be away from the other students. Their stares throughout the day were enough to make me stand up and throw myself off of the tower. Everyone knew Draco and I were in a fight, and it was extremely rare behavior for us.

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now