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Jotaros POV

I watched the two bestfriends embrace each other tightly, laughing but tears were still shed.

I couldn't held but feel a pain in my heart, a slight sense of jealousy. I wish I had someone that I was as close to like that. I'm sure anybody with a heart, even the most emotionless people could take a glace on those two and feel their own heart shatter.

I was deep in concentration when Kakyoin invites me to join in the hug. No way, I look away from him. I'm still getting used to this whole "having a heart" thing.

Madelynn then holds her arm out too and tells me to come.

Madelynn is such a strange girl, I don't mean it in a derogatory way though, don't get me wrong.

She's lovely and simply gorgeous. She's magnificent and quick to pick up on things, she's smart, and she definitely has strength that I don't think even she fully understands yet.

Even so, she's so... meek. She isn't as self-assured as other girls with her talents and beauty.

That strikes me as odd.

Nonetheless, I find her at the same time fascinating.

I can't say no to the both of them, so I send them a threat and join in their hug.

The embrace was tight and warm, it felt pleasant. I have forgotten how good hugs felt.

Madelynn's POV 

"Do you know when are you free from here?" I ask Noriaki, it's been at least an hour or two of us catching up, "It's been so long."

"I should;ve been gone already but NOBODY has CAME TO ME telling me ANYTHING  yet." Noriaki yells towards his door in the hopes a nurse or a worker would hear again.

I giggle, "Do you plan on seeing your parents?" 

Noriaki takes a sharp inhale "I'm not ready for that yet, I just can't do it. What would I say to explain my absence?"

"I don't think they'd care about that; they'd just be relieved that you're back." I inform him.

"I suppose so, but I'm not ready to face them just yet, I can't."

"I mean, I guess that's understandable." I shrug, "It's almost your birthday." I change the subject.

"2 more days and I'll be a big boy," Noriaki teases with a smirk on his face.

"Grand ol' 21, look out world." I smile and cup his cheek, "It's great to see you again."

"You too." He smiles, "It's surprising you still remember my age and birthday,"

"We still celebrate every birthday of yours, even if you're not there with us," I say, "And then after the party we take a balloon and hold it high, like this, and we let it ago and yell 'To Noriaki!' "

Noriaki looks at me and his eyes begin to fill with tears once again, "That's so fucking sweet,"

A nurse walks into Noriaki's room. Her held is held high and she wears such impractical but gorgeous heels, you can hear each click clack as she steps.

"Kakyoin Noriaki?" The woman asks with a bright false smile.

"That's me." He wipes his previous tears and smiles back to her.

"Lucky day for you, you're finally being dismissed."

Noriaki celebrates and does a little dance, it was adorable.

Noriaki would be on crutches (again?) for a hot second, he didn't seem bothered by this though.

Jotaro stood up and it caught me off guard, I had forgotten that he was even here, he was so quiet.

Broken Bets - Jotaro Kujo x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now