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Madelynn Zeppeli, Caesar Zeppeli's forgotten granddaughter, is nothing like her grandfather. Her grandfather was heroic and glorious; everyone in Italy knew his name, and she wouldn't be surprised if everyone on this damned earth knew of him; now, Madelynn would rather deteriorate in her bed than do anything else.

Her father was overjoyed when she was born with Hamon. He would force his unfulfilled ambition of being a hero like his father onto her. Madelynn preferred to stay home and play with her toys, but her father always forced her to do some type of task. He dispatched her to various locations around the world to try to enhance her skills.

All for a waste.

Though Madelynn didn't want to be a hero like her grandfather, the expression of "that's my daughter" on her fathers face every time she mastered a skill or did a task she was given successfully kept her going.

She mastered her Hamon as much as a 12-year-old could after years of saving cats from trees and preventing shoplifters, but her father was still dissatisfied. Her mother was unaware of her daughter's skills, but she was always aware that she was extraordinary. Her father, on the other hand, was constantly criticizing her abilities, how she executed her tasks, and so on. As a result, she was driven to try harder than before.

 Her father sent her to a lake one day, to completely master walking on water with Hamon,  she looked away for a singular moment and when she looked back at him he was arguing with a oddly buff fisherman. 

She didn't know what it was about but it looked heated, they were probably in his fishing area and her father is too stubborn to just move.

 It was like a miracle when her Hamon immediately was on her side and she was able to run from where she was in the lake to him above the water without getting more wet than she already was. 

Before she knew it the man pulled out a gun.

I guess the heroic actions are in the Zeppeli blood rather it's wanted or not.

The man went to shoot at her father but absentmindedly she ran in front of him and was shot in her chest.

The bullet punched it's way through her chest, causing a gaping hole in its wake that was quickly filled with blood, as she fell to the floor blood pooled around her, soaking her shirt.

She went in and out of consciousness, hearing what sounded like rushing footsteps, a lady screaming, dogs barking, and her father saying "Not her!" repeatedly

It felt like she was in a dream; everything was bright and beautiful, and it felt tranquil and almost uplifting. For a few seconds, it seemed like she was in a vast crowd, and the gasps from the others sounded like they were coming from a speaker, a tremendously loud and distorted speaker.
Then her eyesight blurred. It was slow, almost like turning on an old CRT television. Dim and blurry at first, everything gradually brightened and became more clear. That's when she realized her entire body had gone numb from her chest down.

She couldn't remember much after that, not even the pain, it's like she didn't feel anything. That is until she woke up in the hospital bed.

She's never felt such excruciating pain before, she wasn't even able to move.

When she awoke her father wasn't there, only her mother.

Her mother was beyond happy to see her little girl awake.

Madelynn had asked where her father was, her mother only looked at her with sympathetic eyes before refusing to make eye contact in general.


Why was she being shown pity?

"Tell me." She spoke bluntly, "Tell me where dad is, mom." She began to get scared.

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