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The car ride to where Kakyoin was felt longer than the 7 minutes it was supposed to be.

I was so stressed out it felt like every second in that stuffy car was a year off my lifespan.

Jotaro was nice; I didn't know him well, but he went out of his way to make sure I was comfortable and that we could turn around at any time, but I always assured him that I wanted to do this. Sure, I wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly, but I've been anticipating this day since the moment he left.

I look at myself in the window of the cab, my blonde hair looks exactly like my grandfathers, it's short and curled up, like a wolf cut, and my bangs were getting too long, I should cut them soon. 

When Noriaki was still around my hair was long and before I cut it all off, and I would put it was in a ponytail a lot because there was so many knots in it. I remember I'd wear bright pink and purple dresses and he would wear polo's and shorts. Dirt would be all over my face all the time and Nori would look at me and laugh and I'd get so offended I'd grab mud and throw it at him too. All those mud fights I'm sure we've probably fucking consumed it too.

I remember after school we would play in the fields of spring flowers nearby, we would make crowns with them, bouquets too. I think I've smacked him with a bouquet we've made as well. 

I wonder If he will recognize me? I don't care if he does or doesn't, I am giving that fucker a rib crushing hug and I will remind him, I'll tell him every single encounter we've had since that one day when Mr. Bilingual showed up at my table. 5 years of being in the dark with no idea where he is, every single day hurt more and more, and now he's here. I know he's alive, I know he's safe, and I'm going to see him.

We arrived at the hosptial and I couldn't just dismiss the feeling of anxiety rushing through my veins anymore, my hands were shaking with fear and I starred intently at the floor like it was a gorgeous work of art. 

"Hey, you're okay." Jotaro looked down at me, "Everything will go great, I promise,"

There it was. Noriaki's door. The Noriaki Kakyoin is in that room.

"You ready?" Jotaro looked at me with a slight smile.

"You go in first, I'll surprise him." I said with a false smile, it's not that I wanted to surprise him, I just needed the extra minute to breathe.

Jotaro nodded and knocked on the door two times before a voice called, "Come in!" 

That was his  voice. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Hey Kakyoin, how are you holding up?" Jotaro asks as he walks in, he didn't close the door, assumingly so for me when I want to walk in and 'surprise' him.

"Oh Jotaro, I'm so pitiful, just waking up in the morning is a challenge. Come kiss my boo-boo's and make it better, would ya'?" Noriaki teased.

Jotaro cringed, "Stop."

Noriaki rolls his eyes and dramatically sighs, "I'm going insane by the second in here. Watch, the next time you'll be visiting me will be in a mental hospital." He exaggerates, "When are we meeting up with the others?"

"As soon as you're out of here." Jotaro tells him.

"Might as well do it without me, these NURSES don't seem to know how to do their JOB because I was supposed to be OUT early this morning." Noriaki yells at his door, hoping nurses would hear him.

I think I might have something up my sleeve that'll cheer you up," Jotaro says and looks at me from the doorway. Noriaki can't see my from his bed but since Jotaro was sitting on the right side of the bed facing me he could see me perfectly, he gave me a certain look that had "Do it already" plastered.

"Is it a gift?!" He audibly gasps.

"You can say that." I say, almost whisper like. I walk in the room slowly, by the look on his face I think he could recognize my voice.

"..Lynn?" His voice wasn't as extroverted as it was a second ago, now it was weak.

"Hi Nori." I said with tears in my eyes.

He sits up abruptly but winces because of the pain in his stomach.

Both Jotaro and I stand by his sides quickly, "Don't hurt yourself you idiot," I forced out through sobs.

His eyes begin to fill with tears as well, he said nothing and only starred. It was like he was taking in my features, he was trying to come to terms with the fact I'm actually here.

"Madelynn Zeppeli, well i'll be damned." Kakyoin smiles even though tears are rushing from his eyes, "It's you! Look at you!"

"Hi Nori.." I whisper as I throw myself on him into a hug, but still being cautious of his stomach, "Oh you're here, you're safe." I sob.

He hugs me so hard I almost tripped, laughing and crying. It felt like an amazing relief to be held, especially by him again. 

"I've been waiting for this moment, for every second of those 5 years. You've never left my mind." Noriaki says into my shoulder.

"Jotaro!" Noriaki stutters through giggles and sobs, "C'mere!" He gestures for Jotaro to join our hug.

Jotaro wipes away the soft smile of his lips and looks away shaking his head.

I open my arm too, "Come come!"

Jotaro grunts, "Tell anyone and I'll murder the both of you."

With that all three of us bear hug and it felt amazing. Jotaro didn't hug back but Noriaki and I made sure to hold him tight.

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