chapter 12: The grafted king

Start from the beginning

They head into a room where another silver knight who is on the other side of a long table. They could sneak by him so that they don't need to deal with him. So they crouch by the side of the table and moved unnoticeable. They head to where a pedestal is and walks up to it, a chest is seen their. Delirious was curious about it and opens it up to see what it has, turns out to be a gold decorated crown of some sort. But he takes it anyway and continue on with his friend who are now in a different room. The room looks to be a kitchen with raw food and a fireplace where two commoners are. They head down and killed the commoners, tho they now need to deal with the spider monster.

They couldn't remember if they encountered one, but they couldn't sworn they were attack by one. So they got close to examine the creature undetected, this monster looks more horrifying. It's legs were multiple human arms and legs that are stitch together, the body of is hard to see but they could tell that it has a head. A door is seen across the room, so they waited for it to turn around and as it did they quietly move to the next door. Going through a room and to the next door that goes outside they are surprised by a group of soldiers behind wooden barriers and what's looks to be small cannons in a shape of a dragon.

The soldiers saw them and alerted some to fight them, the guys ready themselves to fight. They started off with vanoss using his fire ball on one enemy and delirious using his glintstone stars on the other. Wildcat swung his sword and killed two soldiers and went to go after the one behind the cannon. It turns out the cannon the soldiers are on isn't a cannon at all, but a steel flamethrower as it shoots a stream of flames. Wildcat didn't think they have something like this in a medieval time but I surprised him. After it was done firing wildcat went at the soldier to stop it from using those flame cannon and went after the others on it. Vanoss broke through the wooden barriers and almost got chop by one holding a big halberd. Delirious took out a couple of soldiers with his magic and after decided to use his new sword on them.

After the guys delt with the soldiers they continue on until they encountered another enemy. This one is sitting in the middle of the stairs with a corpse dog much bigger that the others. It got up and went at the one close to him, which is wildcat. Vanoss throw his fireball at the corpse god as it rubs around to put the fire out. Wildcat attack this big guy but it looks to be tanking his attack and swung his blade at him. Delirious helps out wildcat and shoots a glintstone pebble at it's head, making him focus on delirious. But wildcat jabs his sword into the big guy and cut it's chest open. Vanoss killed the corpse dog and looks to see wildcat killing that enemy.

Vanoss: geez tyler, you don't have to be that barbaric

Wildcat: well this guy was a bit tanky

Vanoss: ok

They look to their left to see a door and inside is a grace. To their relief they went and activate the grace to rest at. This gives wildcat some time to add the carian Greatsword onto his sword. He takes out the whetstone dagger and carve a symbol like the one on the carian Greatsword paper. Wildcat can see the symbols glowing meaning it's now added and ready to be tested.

Vanoss: so you guys ready to fight this godrick guy

Wildcat: well I add my carian Greatsword magic into my sword, so ya

Delirious: despite what I went through, I'm confident about this

Vanoss: well, than let's be ready to go

Vanoss and his friends finish resting and looks around for something. They spotted an elevated platform, so they took it up and ended up to a next area. To their left is a broken building and inside are moving yet creepy jars. To their right is a broken down path that goes to another grace in a room, there's also a Beatle holding a silver ball. Vanoss and delirious to deal with the moving jars, but they also see a bigger one in the back as it makes it's way to them. Wildcat went to kill and break it's silver ball for fun, but as he did the ball breaks and a paper appears in front of him. Wildcat takes the paper and sees it being an ash of war called "storm-caller". A new armament for his weapon, he puts it away looks at his friends only to see a giant jar spinning at him. He avoids it and sees vanoss and delirious shooting their magic at it. The jar exploded into jar fragments and blood.

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