Chapter 34: True Friend

Start from the beginning

Damn, my eyes hurt. Everything hurts.

"I don't want to make things about me. I'd feel selfish," I say, and God knows I've already been selfish enough.

"You know, selfish people typically don't accuse themselves of being selfish. They're too busy thinking about themselves to stop and think about how it might be a fault." A humorless chuckle leaves his lips. "Take it from someone who used to be extremely selfish."

The giggle that erupts from my lips is laced with delirium from sleep deprivation. "I remember when you were selfish. I still liked you, though."

"Oh, I know. Don't know why."

"You were fun to be around."

"I tried to kill you all and betrayed you to Van Ark," He deadpans.

I shrug. "You've been forgiven. I forgave you a long time ago."

"You were the first one who did. With how nice you were, I was starting to think I might've been your favorite person in Abel." He scoffs as if that idea is the most ridiculous thing he's ever said.

"A lot of other people thought that too," I admit. "Do you know how many times Sam asked me if I was in love with you?"

He laughs so hard I think he might actually fall out of his chair in the coms shack in Abel. The sound is nice. It's loud and verging on wheezing as Peter loses his breath from laughing so much, but it's a lovely sound. It's real. I know Peter can't fake a laugh like that.

"Of course Sam would ask that. Idiot couldn't see you'd cut your own arm off for him if he asked," He says, laughter still leaving his lips between the words. I wish I could see his face right now, see him genuinely smiling because God, I want to see that I've made someone smile, to know I've done some good.

"Oh, believe me, I was annoyed that he didn't see it, but then again, kind of relieved since I was certain he didn't feel the same way."

"That's because you are also an idiot."

I scoff in mock offense. "Rude. Also, I think I've come a long way from being as oblivious as I once was. I think I'd be able to see if someone had feelings for me now." My smile slowly slips off my face when he doesn't say anything. "What? You don't think so?"

"Not really," He answers, laughing when I gasp, my offense only half-mocking this time.

"Now that's actually rude."

"Don't they say the truth hurts?"

"You have no way of knowing that's the truth."

He simply hums in reply, almost like he wants to say something, but doesn't. I pout.

"Well," I say, "I like to think I've changed. I know you've come a long way too. Not nearly as selfish."

"But you still just like me just as much, yeah?" He asks, teasing. I grin.

"More, actually. Although," I let the word roll off my tongue as I rub my eyes again, "I do think you should be a little more selfish."

"I'm sorry. More selfish?" He repeats incredulously, and I nod even though he can't see it.

"With your wellbeing. You let yourself get hurt too much." I bite the inside of my cheek. "I'm not stupid enough to think you haven't been being reckless since I've been gone."

"Only in Abel," He responds, and I scowl. As if that's any better. "I'm actually not allowed on runs right now. While Amelia doesn't tell us much about the red fungus situation, Summer seems to have gotten enough info to decide the person that can make P-Types should be far away from zombies and safe inside the township." His sigh is heavy, annoyed. "I get it. But I don't like feeling like I need to be protected when I'm the one who can't die."

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