"Yeah you look like it. Why is my mate calling me liar liar?"

"You said you were having lunch, when in fact you are not. Maybe because you lied?" He asked.

"But, I didn't lie" I smirked and held up a piece of meat.

"Where did you get that from?"

"I always have meat."

"That's weird" he said.

I laughed and went on following the direction that Jezebel went but she was gone. She better be.


Finally got a few minutes alone to myself. Finally. I opened the baggie spread out lines on the table and snorted about ten before the door burst opened. Causing me to smack everything off the table hiding it from Sug.

"Hey Sug baby" I smiled leaning on the desk.

"Why are you up here alone?"

"Oh, nothing just chilling" I smiled.

She looked around the second part of the attic, since Chloe lives in the other half. She looked at the spider webs, the rusted walls, and etcetera.

"In here?"

"Yes" I smiled.

I looked down to see the little baggie on the floor by my foot so I kicked it under the table.

"How are you?" I grabbed her and vanished into our bedroom.

"Good, but Chepi is sleeping."

"Yes, she does sleep a lot like she so busy from life."

"Yes, babies are weird. I can't believe I have a baby" she smiled.

"Uh huh" I smirked.

"Chepi is sleep, should I ask her for sex?" She thought to herself.

I kept smiling, ad my fangs came out watching her hair turn red, yellow.

She wanna fuck, finally.

"So, where is Chepi?"

"She's in her little bed. It was nice for you to hang it from the ceiling. She like it swinging when she sleeps."

"I know, am I doing a good job?" I asked.

"Of course, Chepi loves you."

"How do you know that? All she does is cry, and eat amd stare."

"Because your her mother, she knows you and loves you. Same as you loved your parents at that age. They just know."

"Does she know I am bad?"

"No, Nyahima. Look to her your perfect nothing else matters after that. I promise."

She smiled at me and I blew a kiss at her.

"You ever had sex with men?"

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