Chapter 23

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⇝**Chapter 23**⇜


All this time, I'm searching for my parents' justice, I'm looking for the one who deserves to be punished… All this time I thought Dada wants the best for us but I'm wrong.

It didn't make sense back then when he asked me to stop looking through my parents' justice, but now it does make sense, a perfect sense. 

"How could you do this to me? You know how much I want to know what really happened to them right? To have their justice." Tears were already falling from my eyes as I spoke to him, he couldn't even look me in the eyes. "Oh my god, We've been living with our parent's murder and I'm so clueless." I'm too frustrated that I need to take a seat.

I hadn't slept for 24 hours since the morning of our flight. I wanted to rush back here so I could help him but what I found out makes me feel disgusted. My blood was even boiling more that he doesn't even want to look me in the eyes. Liam, Zane and Ace were just behind me, I'm sure they're aware that no one can stop me once I get mad.

"What now? Are you happy? That you got to fool us? Does that makes me a stupid? Is that what you're trying to make us look like? Fuck." I hold my head in my hands and wipe my tears, I don't know why I'm crying but I'm certain it's not because he's getting arrested. "Why did you do that? To your own son?"

I'm waiting for his answer but he just look down to his feet making me snapped at him, "Why the fuck did you do that?!? Answer me!."

"Madison, calm down." Ace speaks up and I can hear that he doesn't feel abit sympathy for him either.

"You can't even look at me in the eyes for fuck sake. I don't care about you being my grandpa anymore, just like how you did not care about us. Does killing them make you feel better? Why?" I slammed my hand on the table making him look at me with tears in his eyes. "No, don't use that on me. I've had enough, because of you we have to live the rest of our life without them, and Don't try to tell me that you're the one who raised us when died because that's what you really need to fucking do after killing our parents. You hid it from us for 16 years and until now I'm suffering from my nightmares thinking that I'm the reason that has happened. I can't fucking look at you the same as before anymore…"

"I only did it because your Dad chose your Mom over me." He murmurs, making me pissed even more.

"What does Mom have to do with it?"

"Because she's a lowborn, isn't?" Liam who's been holding himself back finally went next to me. "Ever since I was a kid, I saw how you treated Mom when Dad was not around."

"I'm really sorry, I wish I could turn back the time–"

"YOU COULDN'T!!!" I again slammed the table, shutting him off. "That's the biggest fucking lie I've ever heard… Oh no… It's not… the biggest lie was when you didn't admit what you did to them." My teeth gritted as I tried to avoid shouting again. "I don't even know if you told us any truth, or was it all just a pile of fucking lies?"

"I cared for you all my life, I just really didn't expect that your Dad would go home then–"

"Then you can only kill Mom? Did you not think about what would happen to us before doing that?" Liam added while taking the seat next to me.

"If the person who you asked to do your dirty work didn't go to the police station and didn't admit it, are you just going to hide it all to yourself and take it quietly in your grave?" Finally, this stupid tears stopped.

"I didn't have the courage to tell you, you've been through enough for now. You're depressed because of your baby–"

"My baby has nothing to do with it so don't try to make an excuse with him so you can make yourself at ease… you could have told us in that 16 years though? But you didn't."

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