Chapter 10

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After three hours of Mabel ignoring us, Dipper and I decide to go talk to some of Dipper's friends until the party is over.

"The party is now over, please exit the building in an orderly fashion!" says someone over the PA.

"Rethink what you're saying. No one is going anywhere, because I won't let you leave. Also because there's a spell that renders any exit in the building, useless," says a vaguely familiar voice.

"Uh, Leo, what are you doing?" I hear Mabel ask.

"Do you always put your trust in complete strangers? Honestly in this town it's a really stupid idea!" Leo says. I notice Leo is on the stairs leading to the stage.

"I knew we couldn't trust him!" I hear Dipper say next to me, but I'm not really paying attention.

I look up at the speakers on the ceiling, then at Soos, who is apparently a DJ, then back to the speakers, and I look back at Leo. "Hey Dipper, that book you're always writing in, is it by chance like the Journals?"

"Yeah, I pretty much just write about whatever weird things I find and whatever pages I remember from the other Journals," Dipper answers.

"Is there anything about vinyl records that can reveal things?" I ask, still looking at the stage.

"How did you know about...?" Dipper starts.

"I was reading over your shoulder one day, but I didn't think it was actually real! Do you know where it is?"

"Yeah, in another dimensional plane where some people hide things!" Dipper says.

"How do you get to it?" I ask.

"With a lot of concentration," Dipper answers.

"Could you get it? I have a theory about our sister's boyfriend. You said you don't think he's human, and I agree, but we need proof. And I think that's how we're going to get it," I answer.

Dipper nods. "But it takes a while to get things out of other dimensions. I think it would just be faster to master a revealing spell! And let me tell you that is not easy!"

I think for a second. "Then what we need, is a distractions." I turn to Dipper and smile. "And I think we know someone very distracting!"

Dipper smiles back at me. "Let's go find Mabel!"

"Divide and conquer!" I say. Then Dipper and I run into the crowd to find Mabel.


"Mabel?" I say, walking up to Mabel.

"Mabel's not here, she's in Sweater Town," Mabel mumbles into her knees.

"I'll be right back," I say, backing away slowly before running off to find Dipper.


"Dipper, our plan is rapidly crushing and burning! First of all, everyone is panicking, two, Mabel's in Sweater Town, so our plan just went up in flames!" I exclaim, running up to Dipper.

"Oh no," Dipper says.

"There is little to no chances of this working," I point out.

"I could probably get Mabel out of 'Sweater Town', and you're usually good with people, so you can probably calm everyone else down," Dipper says.

"I think it would work better if we both try to get Mabel out of Sweater Town and then all three of us calm down the people, then we let Mabel distract Leo while we try to get the magical record," I suggest.

"Whatever you two are planning you better do it now, What's His Name is starting to give orders!" Wendy says, pointing at Leo.

"Let's get Mabel, skip the whole calm people down thing and get right to the magic record! Geez, I'm starting to sound like I'm from that character creating game where you also battle people and summon magical beings with music," I exclaim.

"I think we could help with calming the people down!" Lizy says.

"We can?" Robbie squeaks.

"Sure we can!" Wendy says.

"Okay, so divide and conquer, you guys calm down almost everyone, and we get Mabel!" Dipper says.

"Yeah!" I exclaim. "Let's go! And can you guys find Stan and Ford while you're helping the people regain minimal sanity?"

"Absolutely!" Lizy says.

"Let's go!" I say.

Dipper and I run back to Mabel, who is still in Sweater Town.

"Mabel?" I say, walking up to my sister.

Mabel mumbles some gibberish.

"Mabel, we really need your help. Leo has taken over the town with a singular party!" Dipper says.

"And we have a plan, but we need your help to actually make it work," I say.

"And to help us, you have to come out of Sweater Town," Dipper adds.

Mabel mumbles some more.

"Mabel, you are one of the most distracting people I know, and we need a distraction," I say, cutting to the point. "Mabel, please."

"Why do my boyfriends always end up being maniacs?" Mabel mumbles into her knees.

"That is a good question," I say.

"First gnomes, then Gideon, now this."

"Gnomes?" I whisper to Dipper.

"Long story," he whispers back. "Mabel, we need your help. Otherwise, we're going to be stuck in the Gravity Falls Highschool gym the rest of our lives."

"Please we really need your help. Mabel, you're always wanting to help people, please, help us," I say.

Mabel looks up. "What do you need me to do?"

"Be the most distracting human to have ever existed," I say, smiling. Mabel and Dipper smile back.

Gravity Falls: Chaos Rising | Book #1 |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant