Chapter 2

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The slight fog that pointlessly appeared with the triangle slowly fades away.

"Am I asleep?" I ask, squinting at the triangle.

"I don't think so?"

"Okay. Anyway, more important questions. Who are you? And what is happening? Also why are we the only things that are moving and that aren't in grayscale?" I ask. By now I've noticed that the floaty triangle person is blue and, is indeed, wearing a top hat, also a bow tie.

"Wow you ask a lot of questions..."

"It's okay if you don't answer all of my questions, but I would like to know your name though if that's alright," I say, waving my hands around.

"It's okay, I'm Will Cipher," Will answers shyly.

"I'm Mily Pines! Nice to meet you!" I say. "Sorry for all the questions, but is there a reason for my being here?"

Will starts looking around, like there might be someone else here. "You, your siblings, your grunkles, and your siblings' friends are all in danger."


"I don't have time to explain right now, but when you arrive at Gravity Falls, please come up with some reason to walk in the woods," Will practically pleads.

"I'm good at that!" I say.

"And when you're alone, tap the light blue gem on your necklace," Will continues.

"Got it! Light blue gem!" I say.

"I have to go. He'll find out that I'm here..." Will trails off mid sentence.


"I need to go. Goodbye for now Mily," Will says, fading into nothingness.

"Wait!" I exclaim, running forwards. I stumble and fall as I try to reach out to grab onto Will's wrist.


"Come on Mily! Wake up!" Dipper says, shaking me.

I shake my head. I try to sit up, only to discover I'm already sitting up. Was it all a dream? I shake my head again. "How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"About two minutes!" Mabel answers.

Weird. Guess it was a dream? I might never know. I look down at my necklace, then down to the book on the seat next to me.

Dipper follows my gaze. "Where did you find that?"

"In the woods on the last day of summer last year. I left it there, but when I went back to find more crystals, it was still there," I answer.

Dipper and Mabel exchange worried expressions.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Put it back in your bag. We have to show this to Ford," Dipper answers. 

Gravity Falls: Chaos Rising | Book #1 |Where stories live. Discover now