Movie Part 2: Secret of the Omnitrix

Start from the beginning


I glance at Gwen as she casts a spell. A pipe breaks, blowing out red smoke. "Hey! Less chitchat, more combat!" She shouts before running off to fight more aliens. I pull Ben to the side, putting up a force field so the alien couldn't hear us "Benji, how do we even know she's Azmuth? She could be anyone!" I say "The creator IS supposed to be here." Ben states "Anyone one of these aliens could be Azmuth. How do we know this isn't a trick? How do we know she's not like the other aliens and she just wants to get her hands on the watch?!" I warn with a nervous frown."Relax, N/N. I know what I'm doing. You just gotta trust do trust me, right?" Ben asks, placing his hands on my shoulders.

I frown at the ground, my body tenses. "Yeah..." I sigh, feeling sick to my stomach "Good." Ben says with a grin as I lower the force field. Ben walks back over to the alien "So, can you fix it?" He asks. I let out a tired sighs before taking out more aliens, "First you have to get me out of this galactic sewer." 'Azmuth' says firmly "And you can't do it here, why?" I ask, eyeing her suspiciously. An alien runs up and knocks me into the wall harshly, I grunt in pain at the impact. "HEY! LET GO OF ME!" Ben screams, my eyes widen.

Everything was a blurry mess, I growl as I search for my stupid glasses. "Ugh, screw it, I'm fighting blind." I say angrily. I shove my way through the crowd, making whatever touches me turn to dust.

I hope Gwen and/or Tetrax are far away from me, cuz I got murder on my mind.

There was a bright yellow glow and I was thrown back. I levitate myself before I hit the ground, gently landing. Someone grabs me "Calm down, it's me." Gwen says, pushing my glasses back onto my face. I could suddenly see again. "Thanks." I sigh, Gwen and I run towards Ben's limp body, Tetrax wasn't to far behind us. "Benji, are you ok?" I ask fearfully

He's alive...barely...

I frown nervously "Uh, what? Mom, I don't wanna go to school." Ben mutter tiredly "Yeah, he's ok." Gwen says, placing a hand on my shoulder "But he won't be for long unless we can figure a way out of here." Tetrax warns, pulling Ben into a standing position. Ben wobbles and leans on me, "You look like my girlfriend." He whispers "Benji, I am your girlfriend." I tell him, frowning deeply. He giggles, "I know, I just like hearing you say that~" He snickers.

I roll my eyes with a tired smile, the ground starts to shake harshly. Gluto waves as he opens the ship doors for us "Gotta love that blob." Gwen says with a smile. Tetrax grabs me and Ben and takes off, "Hey!" Gwen shouts, running behind us. "Tetrax, wait! The creator!" Ben yelps, I stay quiet.

An alien tries to jump in behind, but Tetrax knocks him off "Gluto, get us out of here!" He orders. The ship takes off, smaller ships were flying after us. I look around nervously as they shoot laser, Ben grips on my sleeve weakly, "Tetrax, that's the creator!" He shouts as hard as he could. Tetrax throws a punch, 'Azmuth' dodges and his punch instead strikes the alien behind her.

Ok...does Tetrax believe this?

"Nice to meet you." He says, pulling Azmuth into the ship. I relax a little, "YOU'RE NOT LEAVING WITHOUT ME!" An alien shout, flying after us. Tetrax grabs the alien by his throat, dangling him out the door "Ben, the hatch!" Tetrax says seriously before a laser actually hits inside. It bounces from surface to surface, causing us to duck. I put a force field around me, Ben and Gwen.


The three of us turn to Azmuth, "Definitely not Vilgax..." Ben says. The laser bounces off my force field and strikes an alien down "Y/N." Gwen whispers, elbowing me. I shoot her a confused look, she points at the small crack in the force field. We share a look and I let out a tired sigh, I lower the force field. Ben runs over and presses a button, the hatch closes.

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