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**If you can get past the first few chapters, I promise it's worth it! The first few were written when I was younger and I'm just recently finishing it up. Hope you like it!




"Together or not at all," said Amy Pond.

Doctor Who, Best show ever created. Of course that's just my opinion but its the right opinion. I was just getting to the sad part of 'The Angels Take Manhattan' from season 7.1 when...

"Honey, come on." My mother screamed for me.

Always at the good part.

I ran downstairs to my mom, who was rushing around the kitchen. "Yes ma'am?"

"Hun, you have to go get ready. His game starts soon."

SHOOT! I forgot about my brothers baseball game.

I rushed upstairs to get dresses. Today my little brother, Emmett, had his first baseball game of the season.

I pulled on a pair of white shorts, a navy blue t-shirt (for his team color), threw my hair in a braid, grabbed my sneakers, phone, and purse and ran downstairs.

When I got in the car Emmett said, "Took you long enough."

I smirked and ruffled his hair, "Took less time then you did."

In return, he stuck his tongue out at me while I laughed.

My brother is only 9 years old but he is crazy smart for his age.

As soon as we got to the park, my brother jumped out and ran to the field with his team. My family and I said hello to the families from the team and watched the game. The game was almost over and we were winning 6-4.

"I'm going get something from the concession stand." I told my mother.

After I told my mom that I didn't need any money, I walked to the concessions stand. When I got there, I noticed they had new worker. he had shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes like my own. When I got to the front of the line and got my food, I was about to move away when he called after me.

"Hey! Wait a second." The unidentified guy said.

"Um, hi?" I asked confused as to why he was still talking to me.

"Sorry, I'm new here and you seem like someone who knows their way around the park. I was wondering if we could be friends and you could show me around?" I smiled at his cheesiness. He smiled back.

Whoa! Let me just say his smile is breathtaking.

Deciding it was time to respond, I said, "You don't even know me."

"No, but I'd like to." He replied, making me blush.

"Well, a name would be nice Mr?"

"Oh! Right, my name's Jason" He said sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I grabbed it and had this weird feeling run through me. "Emily."

What was that?


"Coming!" He yelled back. "I'll see you around." He called jogging away.

"See ya" I smiled as he left.

I walked back to my brothers game but couldn't stop thinking about the strange feeling I got when we touched. Did he feel it also? What was it?

My brother won the game meaningwe had to come back in one hour.

When we finally got home, I called my two best friends to come over because I still couldn't stop thinking of Jason. I figured if anyone could distract me, they could.

Little did I know that this was a summer I would never forget.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed the prologue.

Please vote and comment and let me know what you think.

Teaser: 3 new characters are going to be introduced.



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