Chapter 79: Turn the tables!

Start from the beginning

'There must be a way to beat him!'

As she was thinking this, Xehanort prepared to attack only to pause for a moment, looking very intrigued by something else. 

Arakiya noticed this but before she could look around to see what got her opponent's attention, she noticed Yorna walking past her as she was approaching Master Xehanort.

"Hm. I'm a bit surprised that you are still able to stand. Most impressive."

"I hope you enjoyed saying that because you are going to people of Chaosflame...they will be avenged with your death!"


Xehanort did not respond to Yorna's comment and just watched as the divine general glow for a brief moment before charging at him. 

The old Keyblade Master stood still since he did not view this as a threat to him. Arakiya noticed this and quickly started to summon mana from within in order to provide some assistance to the seventh divine general.

'If I want him dead, then I'll have to work with that woman! Together we will show this bastard the might of two divine generals!'

Using Earth magic, she uses the ground to attack the old Keyblade Master while Yorna prepared an all-out attack with her fist. 

Xehanort jumped around to avoid the attacks from the ground created by the second divine general while preparing his own attack to finish off his two opponents. 

Arakiya continued her earth mana attack until she quickly shifted to Yang magic, using rays to try and damage the old man. 

This prompted Xehanort to use No Name keyblade to block off some of these rays. As he was doing this, Yorna saw an opportunity and quickly acted upon it. 

She swung her fist at Xehanort with everything she had in her, using the strength she had gained from her people and her love for them. 

Just as this attack was going to connect, the old Keyblade Master did not hesitate to block off Yorna's strong attack all the while making a barrier around the two in order to deal with the issue of Arakiya's long range attacks. 

Xehanort looked at Yorna with a sinister smile, a bit impressed that he has to use a bit of force to push back her attack yet it wasn't too alarming. 

This angered Yorna since she doesn't want to keep dragging on this fight. She pulled out her golden kiseru and attempted to stab the old man. 

Xehanort smiled as he teleported out of his own barrier, allowing it to break in order for Arakiya's attacks to be targeted at Yorna rather than him. 

Yorna immediately realized this and quickly jumped out of Arakiya's wave of Yang magic. 

While this was happening, both Olbart and Kyda continue to observe the fight with the divine general formulating a plan that can either take the old Keyblade Wielder out or at the very least temporarily put him out of the fight. 

Kyda on the other hand was wanting to join in on the fighting, wishing to help out the two female divine generals despite the issue that she wouldn't be able to do much and could possibly die.

'Damn it all! I'm a proud Shadruq warrior! I'm a born why am I still standing on the sidelines...?'

Kyda's pride was wanting to take over, despite the fact that going into battle without a proper plan will get her killed. 

Before she did anything, her and Olbart both noticed Xehanort suddenly teleport behind Arakiya and grab her head. 

Arakiya was caught off guard by this while Yorna turned towards their location, worried for Arakiya's safety.

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