Ready set GOOOO!

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For the last couple of days, I've shown Isabella everything I love about Georgia. We've been to the beach, I've shown her my school, and today I'm going shopping with her, as well as Jayla and Kylee.

Jayla said that in the evening, me and Isabella could stop by their house so I could introduce her to the Waltons.
Isabella was beyond excited for it. She kept talking about how nice it would be to see my date for the fall festival, even though I'd already shown her pictures of Jaden and I.

Since the fall festival was next week, school had been entertaining . We've been making decorations in class sometimes, and everyone is gossiping about dates and dresses, I just can't wait. I've been talking to Jaden and he's excited too, the thing that's making me most excited for the fall festival is that Isabella is going with me.

- Saturday 1.29 pm-

Currently me and Isabella had arrived at the mall, and we could see Jayla and Kylee sitting at a bench together, laughing at something on Jayla's phone.

"Hey girls!" I yelled as me and Isabella ran over to them.
"Y/n!" Jayla screamed and hugged me and Isabella.
"You must be Isabella, right?" Jayla asked.
"Yeah, the one and only." Isabella said as she smirked a bit.
"Well, let's find some dresses!" Jayla suggested and we took off.

I couldn't wait for the fall festival. It felt like my heart was going to explode out of pure excitement.
We went to many different shops, but it was difficult to find a dress I liked. Isabella and Kylee had already found their dresses, and Jayla had one dress in mind if she didn't find one that she liked.

Isabella and Kylee were talking about going up to a restaurant.
"Can we go to the small restaurant upstairs?" Isabella asked us.
Me and Jayla agreed, since we needed a little break.

As we were walking up to the little restaurant, I spotted someone sitting at a bench.
It was Noah.
We made eye contact and soon after he began to walk towards us.

"Hey!" He yelled as Kylee, Isabella and Jayla instantly turned their heads in direction of the familiar voice.
"Noah! Why are you here?" Kylee asked.
"Well, I'm going to the fall festival alone, and I was just looking for a new pair of shoes. But then I got hungry," Noah said and chuckled a bit.
"Well, we also happen to be hungry and we're going for some food, do you want to sit with us?" I asked him. He nodded, and we all walked towards a small table.

As we all sat down, Noah asked,
"Soooo... I've heard that you got a date, Y/n? Aren't you too young for that?" He grinned.
"Nah, it's actually surprising how I got a date before you... that means that you are UGLY!" I exclaimed as I smirked.

My whole life, my parents have told me how to be more like Noah, it just felt so good to finally be better than him at something...

A few seconds passed before Isabella and the other girls just began to laugh.
"I love this sibling relationship you guys are having!" Jayla said, almost choking on her laugh.
I don't understand what was so funny, but I ended up laughing with them because their laugh was so contagious.

-4.25 pm-

We had been at the mall for about 3 hours in total, and I still hadn't found my dress...
After we ate, Noah left the mall to meet up with some of his friends.
We'd been in and out of the same stores for hours and I was getting really tired. That was, until Kylee spotted a small shop.

"Hey, Y/n! We haven't been in that one yet, right?" Kylee said as she smiled at me.
"Omg, Kylee, you're a lifesaver! Maybe I can find something in there," I said, and so we walked towards the little shop.

As we entered, we were instantly greeted by a tall woman with bright red hair, freckles, green eyes, and some really pretty face features.

"Hi! I'm Riley, welcome to my shop! If there's anything you need, just ask me." Riley said, I assumed she was the shop owner.
"Thank you so much!" I answered as I walked towards the dress section.

I was looking for something unique, a dress I hadn't seen before, but still a beautiful piece. I was going through some dresses when I found something at the back of the store.

It was a dress. But it was like I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was red, had a kind of v-shaped neck, was filled with shiny red pearls, and had an open back. I walked towards the dress.

"Woah, this one is beautiful!" I exclaimed as I felt the fabric of the dress. As I said that, Riley came over to us.
"This is the last one we have! I can take it off the mannequin, if you want?" Riley said.
"I'm not sure I can fit it... but sure." I said as she took the dress off of the mannequin.

Riley handed me the dress and I headed towards the changing room. As I tried it on, I found out I fitted in it perfectly, like it was made for me.
I got out of the changing room and as I looked up, everyone just stared at me.

"Do I look fat in it?" I said nervously.
"No, no, not at all, you just look so beautiful!" Jayla responded quickly.
"I'm thinking about buying this one!" I said with a big smile.
"This is 100% your dress!" Isa added.
"This is the one! And it's only 500$," I said.
"WHAT? ONLY! HOW?!" Isa screamed out of surprise, we all began to laugh.

I bought the dress and we were about to head home, but we were met with someone, unexpectedly.

"Heyy!" It was Javon and... AND JADEN?
"Bro, who's that?" Isa asked as I smiled.
"Oh, yeah, that's Jaden and Javon!" I said.
"You mean Jaden, as in your prom date?" Isa asked loudly.
"Ye." I answered.

"Bro, what are you doing here...?" I asked Jaden.
"Don't fucking bro me. Anyways I'm here to buy a new pair of shoes," Jaden said before hugging me. Everyone burst out laughing.
"Damn, sorry Jay, see you Monday though, we need to go," I said.
"Remember, Friday is the day!" Jaden yelled from behind as me and the girls were leaving.
"How could I possibly forget, Jay?" I answered as I gave him little smirk.

-5.41 pm-

Me and Isabella arrived at home at the perfect time! Dinner was ready - we were having salmon, Isa's favorite.

"Hey, girls! I made Isabella's favorite dish! A delicious salmon." Dad said, seeming very happy and pleased with the results of the salmon since he kept staring at it like if it was a diamond.'

"So, girls, how was your day today?" My dad asked as he scooped food into his mouth.
"Hmm, well... First of all, me, Isa, Jayla and Kylee went out for dresses, and after 5 hours I found the perfect dress!"

I was so excited to show my dad, but as I got the shopping bag and I was about to pull up the dress, I was interrupted.
"No! Don't show it! Let it be a surprise," Hector said.
"That's a great idea!" Dad responded.

Me and Isa cleaned the table while Dad and Hector finished a movie they had started.
"It's fine, girls, I can clean up the rest," Dad said.
"Thank you, dad." I said as me and Isa went up to my room.
We brushed our teeth and changed to pajamas.

"Night, Bella." I said as I closed my eyes.
"Night, Y/n." Isa responded and did the same.

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