A new beginning

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- phone ringing-
I slowly opened my eyes as I checked my phone. It was Isabella, calling her for the daily morning FaceTime, of course. I picked up the phone as I quickly got up from bed.
"Hey Y/n! How are you? Ready for first day of school?" Isabella said in a tone filled with energy. I then replied.
"Shoot, I totally forgot about that! I'm so exhausted, I don't wanna go..."
"Girl, get yo ass up, you don't know if you're going to meet the love of your life!" Isabella yelled.
"Jeez, I just got up. I ain't ready for you to yell at me at 6 am." I said, tiredly. Isabella didn't hesitate to look at me with a serious face, before laughing at me.
"BAHAHAHHA, you're so funny Y/N. Now Imma tell you again, get yo ass up." Isabella said and then looked dead serious at me. I replied while rolling my eyes,
"Bye, Isabella." I said and hung up.
Then I needed to get ready.

What should I wear? I thought to myself. A dress?
I took a pastel purple short dress out of the dresser. I stood in front of the mirror, holding the dress in front of my body, imagining how it would look.
"Hell no, you aren't wearing that."

It was Noah, my older brother, standing in the door frame.
"Have you ever heard about knocking?"
I said in an annoyed tone. To that he answered "Yeah, but have you ever heard about style? That dress wont make you popular among people. The first impression always matters, and you look really slutty in that."
He was right, as always.
"Urgh, but what do I wear then?"
"Dunno, but definitely not that."
He said before closing the door.

- 7 am-
After about an hour, I was finally ready for school. I had decided to wear a pair of baggy jeans and a crop top, but with a hoodie over it...
I was lazy, so I didn't really put much makeup on - mascara and blush, that was it.

After walking my dog, Rocky, I packed my stuff and went down the stairs.
I sat down at the table while my dad poured milk in the blender to make me a smoothie.
"So, Y/n, ready for first day?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm a bit tired but that's all." I replied.
"Great," he said and gave me a glass of smoothie,
"it's your favorite - strawberries, banana, milk, and vanilla ice cream. Bon appétit!"
He looked at me with a smile and then went upstairs.
I smiled back at him and took a sip of my smoothie.

Soon after, my little brother, Hector, came running down the stairs.
"Y/N!" He yelled excitedly as he jumped up to hug me.
"Woah, hey there little guy" I greeted him happily.
"I'm so happy, we're all going to a new school, and we're going there together! And we're going to get new friends!"
He smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen as he sat down next to me. Dad gave him a glass of smoothie too.
"I love this smoothie, it's delicious!" Hector said and smiled at my dad.

"Good morning to my family." It was Noah.
He came running down the stairs too, but wearing new clothes - kind of skater style. He never wore jeans, he usually always wore fine clothing.
"Noah, what are you wearing?" I said.
"Clothes." He answered in an arrogant tone.
"Clearly, I have eyes. But is that a new style I sense?" I said.
"Yeah, so you better get used to it, lil sissy."
I glared at him, saying the same thing I do every time he calls me that:
"I'm not little."
Noah rolled his eyes.
"Hector get your jacket on. You too, Y/n".

We grabbed our jackets and our school stuff, and got out to Noah's car.
"Goodbye kids! Have a good day!" Dad said, standing by the front door.
We all replied with "Goodbye dad!" and got in the car.
I could hear the front door close as I closed the car door.
While me and Hector got our seatbelts on, Noah opened the car door.
"Let's go, it's going to be so fun at Buford! Right Hector?" Noah said excitedly.
Hector looked at Noah, and then at me.
"Only if Y/n thinks it's gonna be fun..." Hector said while looking at me with hopeful eyes.
"It's gonna be so fun! Of course I'm excited Hector, you should be too." I said with a big smile. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" Hector yelled, and sooner or later we were at Buford.

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