So what now?

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I was getting ready to see Jaden. Nothing special, I thought to myself. Even though I knew I really liked him, I wouldn't fully acknowledge it because he was one of my best friends.

-ding dong-

He was here.

I ran towards the door and unlocked it.
"Hey, Y/n..." Jaden said, he sounded a bit... nervous? Which made me question if I should ask him about the fall festival. Maybe it wasn't a good idea.

"Hey Jaden!" I said, smiling at him, which made Jaden loosen a bit up.
"Uh, should we go for a walk or? We could also stay at my place?" He asked.
"We can go to your house? If you're comfortable with that?" I asked Jaden.
He smiled and was quick to respond.
"Yeah, sure!"

- 6.40 pm-

We arrived at Jaden's house, it was Jayla that opened the door.
"Hey, Y/n! Come in." Jayla said, sounding excited.
"Daelo, Jessica and Dj are out, so it's just Javon and me here." Jayla said.

"Well, me and Y/n will be going up to my room." Jaden said.
I waved at Jayla and walked up the stairs.

Jaden opened the door to his room.
"This is my room, you can just put your jacket on my chair." He said.
"Thank y-" I was interrupted by someone opening the door: It was Javon.

"Hey, Y/n. Jayla is going out for takeaway, what do you want?" Javon asked.
"McDonald's?" I said.
"Sure." Javon said and closed the door.

"I'm sorry about him." Jaden said, giving me a weird smile.
"It's okay, but I wanted to ask you something..." I said.
"Sure, go ahead." Jaden said while he itched his neck.

"Well... so who is the girl you want to invite for the fall festival, since it's about 2 weeks from now?" I asked him. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't know what he would answer, I couldn't read him.
"Uh well-" He said, but someone interrupted him.
"FOOD IS HERE!" It was Javon yelling from downstairs. Jaden looked relieved but I was so damn annoyed.

-7.20 pm-

We were eating... it was quite awkward; Jaden and Javon were just sitting and staring at Jayla and I talking about school.
"Yeah, history is my favorite subject." I said. Jayla smiled and answered with,
"Nice, I don't know what my favorite subject is, but what about you Jaden?"

Jaden chewed on his food for a long time.
"Baseball." He said. Everyone at the table began to laugh.
"Bruh, that ain't a subject, stupid." Javon told Jaden.
"Well, everything else is boring." Jaden said.

"But, Jaden, since we're talking about school, who are you going to ask out for the fall festival?" Jayla asked.
"Uh...Well, I don't wanna talk about it right now." Jaden said and took a BIIIIGGG bite of his burger.
Omfg, I can't with this boy. He kept making up excuses, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Jaden! Just say it, like, it isn't a big deal!" I exclaimed and instantly regretted what came out of my big mouth.
"Y/n, fine! It's you!" Jaden yelled as everyone gasped, including me of course.

"Wha-" Javon said, his jaw dropped.
"I knew it!" Jayla said, still looking a bit surprised over Jaden's revealing.

"But- are we going together then?" I asked. Jaden nodded.
"Yea, I guess... if you want to?" He responded.

Right as he finished his sentence, my phone rang - it was my dad. I immediately answered the phone.
"Hey dad!" I said.
"Y/n, hi! I have a surprise for you at home, so come home now!" He said, his tone was happier than normal.

I hung up and smiled.
"I need to go now guys, my dad has a surprise for me at home!" I said excitedly.
"Cool! See you tomorrow, Y/n." Jaden said before I quickly ran up to his room to grab my stuff.

As I stepped out of Jaden's room, Jayla was standing in the doorframe.
"Y/n, let's go shopping next week and find you the perfect dress! Wednesday?"

I said bye to the Walton's and hurried home.

-8 pm-

I busted the door open and threw my stuff in the entrance. I was so excited, my dad only said I should hurry home when it was an important surprise, I couldn't wait to see what it was.
I ran towards the living room when a tall figure stopped me. Oml, it was Noah.

"Hey there lil sissy, you have to wait. Buuut, how's it going with Jaden?" He smirked at me, damn he could be annoying sometimes.
"Just stop, Noah, and let me see! Please." I said, trying to peek over his shoulder, but I was too short. I sighed as Noah took something up from his pocket, it was a black piece of fabric.

"Blindfolding time! C'mon lil sissy... don't be such a bad loser and wear it." Noah said.
"Ugh, fine, but this surprise better be worth it." I said.

Noah span me around and grabbed my shoulders to lead me towards something.
"Ouch, what was that?!" I yelled as something hard hit my back.
"It was my knuckle. I'll do it again if you don't walk faster! You're extremely slow and annoying." He snapped back.

I really wanted to hit him in that moment, but I was afraid that I would hit something else. I just stayed silent and walked a bit faster.

As I could feel Noah take my blindfold off, I speculated about what it could be. Mom? A new dog? Well, I hope it wasn't mom.

As my vision went back to normal, I could see a blurry figure. As it became clearer, I saw that it was...


I couldn't believe my eyes, my dad stood in the corner and chuckled a bit.
"ISAAAAA!" I screamed as I ran towards her and gave her a big bear hug.
"How? When? Why?" I asked her. Isabella just smiled and replied with,
"Well, me and your dad have been planning this for a month, with my parents consent of course, that's why I haven't been able to talk these last few weeks, since I was afraid to spoil the surprise."

I was stunned.
My best friend is here, I got a handsome date for the fall festival and I'm doing good in school.
What could possibly go wrong?

(Foreshadowingggg, oh nooo what could poooossibly go wrong)

Something new- (Jaden walton story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon