MiniAizu: I am fully aware :)

BroccoliBrother: I know

MomNight: Zashi, Sho, you two are raising two future murderers

SharpShooter: Don't be shy, call it what it is

BobTheBuilder: Future serial killers*

MomNight: Listen- 

MiniAizu: Don't be so l o u d

BroccoliBrother: We all know it
BroccoliBrother: But you didn't have to s a y  i t

DadMic: Kids, please don't murder people

Vlampire: Listen to your father Hellion, Hellion 2.0 

MiniAizu: :'(

BroccoliBrother: :'(

RatGod: I can teach you both much better ways than murder

MiniAizu: :)

BroccoliBrother: :)

Dadzawa: No

DadMic: Please God no

MiniAizu: I-

MomNight: No thank you

Vlampire: Words cannot express how horrible of an idea that is

BroccoliBrother: But-

Therapist: Absolutely N o t

GoodSoup: I don't think that's a nice idea

SharpShooter: Both worlds would simply ~cease to exist~

UAQueen: Oh let the youngsters have their fun

Vlampire: That could end horribly 

UAQueen: Do you prefer chaos or murder?


UAQueen: That's what I thought.

MiniAizu: Thank you Ms RG!

BroccoliBrother: Thank you Ms RG!

UAQueen: No problem dearies 

Dadzawa: Neither of you get caught

MiniAizu: Never have, never will

BroccoliBrother: Never have, never will

Therapist: I can attest to that

RatGod: As can I 

GoodSoup: ...

SharpShooter: ...

BobTheBuilder: ...

Vlampire: ...

DadMic: You- 
DadMic: W h a t ?

BroccoliBrother: And I'd do it again

MiniAizu: Bop
MiniAizu: Bop

BroccoliBrother: For legal reasons that was all a joke :)

AllMight: Young Midoriya that is very un-hero like behavior

MiniAizu: Yo I'ma rapid fire his ass if he don't stfu

SharpShooter: Terror acted like he ain't even here-

Therapist: Not again-

BobTheBuilder: Again?

MiniAizu: If I get real heated or on crackhead energy
MiniAizu: my insults get real fast and real creative

BroccoliBrother: It's funny to tag team too

GoodSoup: Oh god

Therapist: N O -

AllMight: Young (Y/N) I haven't done anything to garner your upset
AllMight: Young Midoriya, do not join in on their strange behaviors

Vlampire: Ah shit, here we go again

BroccoliBrother: Your attitude?

MiniAizu: Annoying

BroccoliBrother: Your hero costume?

MiniAizu: BDSM but c r i n g e

BroccoliBrother: Your morals?

MiniAizu: What morals?

BroccoliBrother: Your hair?

MiniAizu: Hair gel gone wrong

BroccoliBrother: Your voice?

MiniAizu: Loud asf,
MiniAizu: like I can hear that shit from another world and my TV is off

BroccoliBrother: Teaching methods?

MiniAizu: You sent Izu to the infirmary on YOUR FIRST DAY
MiniAizu: Honestly speaks for itself


roccoliBrother: Body type?

MiniAizu: Nightmare fuel greek statue

BroccoliBrother: Humor?

MiniAizu: Boomer, no further questions

SharpShooter: JFK-

GoodSoup: I know I shouldn't laugh but-

AllMight: ...

Dadzawa: ...
Dadzawa: Damn

BobTheBuilder: I think I just witnessed a murder

DadMic: ...he needs RG

UAQueen: I can't bring back the dead dear

MomNight: That was GLORIOUS
MomNight: I'M SO PROUD

BroccoliBrother: :)

MiniAizu: :)

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